Stormsong Valley don't have teleport active on RU localization
Isegar opened this issue · 12 comments
Got this output:
Dump: value=LibStub('HereBeDragons-2.0'):GetLocalizedMap(942)
[1]="Долина Штормов"
Try this and tell me if there's any output, and if there is, what is it?
/dump LibStub('HereBeDragons-2.0'):GetLocalizedMap(942)
Can you hold your shift key when interacting with the ship NPC and make sure you have actually unlocked the foothold? This seems very odd to me.
Show me your output from these, with that window open.
/dump LibStub('HereBeDragons-2.0'):GetLocalizedMap(942):lower()
/dump (select(3,GetGossipOptions())):lower()
/dump (select(3,GetGossipOptions())):lower():match(LibStub('HereBeDragons-2.0'):GetLocalizedMap(942):lower())
Dump: value=LibStub('HereBeDragons-2.0'):GetLocalizedMap(942):lower()
[1]="долина штормов"
Dump: value=(select(3,GetGossipOptions())):lower()
[1]="отправляемся в долину штормов."
Dump: value=(select(3,GetGossipOptions())):lower():match(LibStub('HereBeDragons-2.0'):GetLocalizedMap(942):lower())
empty result
@Isegar Would you mind trying out the latest version from GitHub?