Wrong case on initial initDB() call
Clattuc opened this issue · 6 comments
Since WoW Classic's LUA is case sensitive, it's necessary to match case exactly on a function's definition and invocations.
As of release version 0.1.0 (8/4/20) the setup function initDB() is defined
local initDB = function()
and one invocation, in the slash command 'reset' processing, correctly invokes it as
but the other, primary invocation, down in the init() function, reads
which results in nothing happening with the addon after the initial greeting message.
Tested with a new character and it should be fixed
Update was approved on curseforge https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/ironmanchecker/files
it would be nice if it didn't spam race/class auras/buffs
👍 pushed fix in https://github.com/cfebs/IronmanChecker/releases/tag/0.1.3
Also I haven't played hunter much but I want to get it checking pet talents soon!