ItemNameLocalized Core

ItemNameLocalized Core


Not showing Torghast tooltips in enUS tooltip

29988122 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I'm always using wowhead for things like treasure chest, interactive objects, etc.
Sometimes it's hard for me to obtain certain spells/objects/npcs/items in English.

Your addon greatly helps, but I think some shadowlands strings can be added, too, such as torghast anima powers shown in the above image.
(I know I can google by wowhead, 320915, and get the link - just that if we get to see the string directly in game, it'd be more convenient!)

Thank you for this excellent addon!


Thanks for reporting this. This is currently an issue on the Blizzard API from where I take the data (forum post 1, forum post 2) Some old spells and talents are missing too because of this.

I can recover those old spells from the previous version (before patch 9.0), but the new ones will still be unavailable. If I have some spare time I will try to see if I can use a different source (like WoW Head) to populate the addon data and fix this.


Gread addon but sadly Blizzard still haven't fixed the API and the amount of missing local grow patch by patch