ItemRack Classic

ItemRack Classic


Rogue Stealth "unequip on leaving stance" does not work if attacking or using skill

CyberDNIWE opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Rogue Stealth "unequip on leaving stance" does not seem work if attacking, using skill or being attacked (thus unstealthing).
(Stance id: 1)


I'm trying to switch from my "stabby stabby" itemset back to my "default" itemset, which includes different weapon for main hand.

This seems to work correctly if I enter stealth (switches to stabby stabby) or exit stealth via casting it again (switches back to default), but doesn't if I exit stealth by using skill like Cheap Shot for example.


Are you trying to unequip a weapon?


FWIW @IsoPippel only weapons can be swapped once combat begins, no other slots can. And weapon swaps will both reset your auto attack swing timers, and put a global cooldown on your abilities.


Iso is correct. The issue is entering and leaving stealth will swap weapons just fine. If you perform an action after entering stealth, say Ambush or Cheap Shot, the error occurs. For me, what happens is there is an interface addon error which greys out my main hand item and I cannot change said item unless I disconnect and log back in. Taint log results below:

9/11 21:48:21.837 UseAction()
9/11 21:48:21.837 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from ItemRack - PickupInventoryItem()
9/11 21:48:21.837 Interface\AddOns\ItemRack\ItemRackEquip.lua:278 MoveItem()
9/11 21:48:21.837 Interface\AddOns\ItemRack\ItemRackEquip.lua:211 IterateSwapList()
9/11 21:48:21.837 Interface\AddOns\ItemRack\ItemRackEquip.lua:113 EquipSet()
9/11 21:48:21.837 Interface\AddOns\ItemRack\ItemRackEquip.lua:313 UnequipSet()
9/11 21:48:21.837 Interface\AddOns\ItemRack\ItemRackEvents.lua:345 ProcessStanceEvent()
9/11 21:48:21.837 Interface\AddOns\ItemRack\ItemRackEvents.lua:293 ProcessingFrameOnEvent()
9/11 21:48:21.837 ItemRackEventProcessingFrame:OnEvent()


@mechiah thanks, I figured as much.
The problem however is that weapon swapping seems to "miss the queue" that stealth was broken due to using skill that breaks out of it, and the addon seem not to even try to swap itemset (which consists of only a weapon now)


Switching weapons in combat is not working, that's a known issue right now.


Retest with 3.19 please, should not grey out anymore