Keystone Companion

Keystone Companion


The KeystoneCompanion main frame cant be closed while in combat

Thekinghim opened this issue ยท 4 comments


So my streamer friend is using the addon and he noticed that you cannot close the frame if you are in combat.


Secure Action Buttons are the Reason as all clickables are done with that instead of the InsecureActionButtonTemplate that should be used for stuff that needs to change in combat (These will lose functionality in combat though)
I think this Example sums up the Problem pretty good.
Both Frames are identical and should move to a new position on click but the secure one can't and will throw erros BUT it will keep using the spell that is assigend. And the Insecure one just stops working BUT can move around


Just merged the PR. Thanks @Larsj02!

I'll just reiterate the feedback I left on the PR here. Perhaps it might be an idea to add a smaller frame, showing just the player's own consumables in SecureActionButtons so that the player can consume those while in combat? would provide quick access in a much smaller frame that doesn't get in the way that way. I think this may be useful as lots of dungeon runs may be almost permanently in combat mode.


Maybe add like a popout frame that uses SecureActionButtonTemplate and deactivate the Close Button on that frame in combat to not risk throwing errors ?


Sounds like a good idea. We'll probably need a settings pane first so people can turn this feature on and off.