


Request: quest icon and castbar position

antarek opened this issue · 0 comments


KiwiPlates version : 1.1.5

Request #1:
For the moment KiwiPlates doesn't seems to offer an option to display a quest icon on mobs related to a quest that is listed among your current quests. So adding an option to display a quest icon on mobs or objects related to any of the player current quests would be a nice addition.

Request #2:
So far i have been forced to disable castbars from KiwiPlates because of not being able to position them exactly according to the position of my target nameplate. I m not sure about what does the 'Cast Bar Separation' setting for as far as setting it to 0 or 64 doesn't seems to move the castbar very much. So what i miss is a setting to set the horizontal (Y) castbar distance from my target nameplate.

Thanks in advance. ❤