Lua error when hovering over next/previous buttons
Slackluster opened this issue ยท 3 comments
These buttons. When the buttons are both disabled and there is no next/previous achievement to go to, this error pops up:
26x ...vementFilter/Gui/BrowsingHistory/BrowsingHistory.lua:38: attempt to index local 'category' (a nil value)
[string "@Krowi_AchievementFilter/Gui/BrowsingHistory/BrowsingHistory.lua"]:38: in function <...vementFilter/Gui/BrowsingHistory/BrowsingHistory.lua:36>
[string "@Krowi_AchievementFilter/Gui/BrowsingHistory/BrowsingHistory.lua"]:61: in function <...vementFilter/Gui/BrowsingHistory/BrowsingHistory.lua:46>
[string "@Krowi_AchievementFilter/Gui/BrowsingHistory/BrowsingHistory.lua"]:89: in function <...vementFilter/Gui/BrowsingHistory/BrowsingHistory.lua:85>```
Should be fixed with last release. What version are you currently on and can you still reproduce it?
I can currently not reproduce it on either 72.2 nor 72.3, so it seems fine currently. Might have been because I'd just adjusted some settings, also. Thanks for the quick response. :)