LUA ERROR: Cannot anchor to a region dependent on it by BeThibaut
TheKrowi opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Message: ...ns\Blizzard_AchievementUI\Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua:167: Action[SetPoint] failed because[Cannot anchor to a region dependent on it]: attempted from: AchievementFrameTab3:SetPoint. Time: Wed Oct 12 21:44:16 2022 Count: 2 Stack: ...ns\Blizzard_AchievementUI\Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua:167: Action[SetPoint] failed because[Cannot anchor to a region dependent on it]: attempted from: AchievementFrameTab3:SetPoint. [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function SetPoint' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_AchievementUI\Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua"]:167: in function <...ns\Blizzard_AchievementUI\Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua:165> [string "=[C]"]: in function
AchievementFrame_SetTabs' [string "@interface\AddOns\Krowi_AchievementFilter\GUI\GUI.lua"]:200: in function `ToggleAchievementFrame' [string "@interface\AddOns\Krowi_AchievementFilter\Globals.lua"]:482: in function <Interface\AddOns\Krowi_AchievementFilter\Globals.lua:481> Locals:
Each time I open the achievements tab for the second time (or more) I receive this LUA error. Do you know if I can fix it from my side or am I not the only one to have this issue ?
ISSUE: After loading into the game or reloading the whole UI, the Achievement window will open exactly once and then it will produce a LUA Error every time I'll try to open it again. This happens after changing the order of the default Tabs (Achievements, Guild and Statistics) via the Add-on option menu.
WORKAROUND: After reloading the UI immediately go into the options and restore the default order as seen above.
ERROR MESSAGE: I'll include the LUA Error below.
Message: ...ns\Blizzard_AchievementUI\Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua:167: Action[SetPoint] failed because[Cannot anchor to a region dependent on it]: attempted from: AchievementFrameTab3:SetPoint.
Time: Sun Jul 10 16:01:06 2022
Count: 1
Stack: ...ns\Blizzard_AchievementUI\Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua:167: Action[SetPoint] failed because[Cannot anchor to a region dependent on it]: attempted from: AchievementFrameTab3:SetPoint.
[string "=[C]"]: in function SetPoint' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_AchievementUI\Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua"]:167: in function <...ns\Blizzard_AchievementUI\Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua:165> [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function
[string "@interface\AddOns\Blizzard_AchievementUI\Blizzard_AchievementUI.lua"]:92: in function AchievementFrame_ToggleAchievementFrame' [string "@Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:906: in function
[string "TOGGLEACHIEVEMENT"]:1: in function <[string "TOGGLEACHIEVEMENT"]:1>
Locals: (*temporary) = AchievementFrameTab3 {
0 =
AddonName = "Blizzard_AchievementUI"
leftHighlight = AchievementFrameTab3LeftHighlight {
rightHighlight = AchievementFrameTab3RightHighlight {
text = AchievementFrameTab3Text {
Name = "Statistics"
middleHighlight = AchievementFrameTab3MiddleHighlight {
(*temporary) = "LEFT"
(*temporary) = AchievementFrameTab2 {
0 =
AddonName = "Blizzard_AchievementUI"
leftHighlight = AchievementFrameTab2LeftHighlight {
rightHighlight = AchievementFrameTab2RightHighlight {
text = AchievementFrameTab2Text {
Name = "Guild"
middleHighlight = AchievementFrameTab2MiddleHighlight {
(*temporary) = "RIGHT"
(*temporary) = -5
(*temporary) = 0
I just saw the issue 1 By Tomm1214 and I will follow his workaround, but an actual fix would be nice.