Krowi's Achievement Filter

Krowi's Achievement Filter


Issue reported by AlexL1118 on CF: Clicking Filter -> Help -> Full Search

TheKrowi opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I clicked the following:

Filter ->
!Help ->
!Full Search

and got this error:

Message: ...ter/Libs/Krowi_Tutorials-3.0/Krowi_Tutorials-3.0.lua:181: attempt to index field 'TitleText' (a nil value)
Time: Fri Oct 28 06:56:56 2022
Count: 1
Stack: ...ter/Libs/Krowi_Tutorials-3.0/Krowi_Tutorials-3.0.lua:181: attempt to index field 'TitleText' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Krowi_AchievementFilter/Libs/Krowi_Tutorials-3.0/Krowi_Tutorials-3.0.lua"]:181: in function <...ter/Libs/Krowi_Tutorials-3.0/Krowi_Tutorials-3.0.lua:135>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Krowi_AchievementFilter/Libs/Krowi_Tutorials-3.0/Krowi_Tutorials-3.0.lua"]:668: in function ShowTutorial' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Krowi_AchievementFilter/GUI/Misc/FilterButton/FilterButton.lua"]:99: in function func'
[string "@Interface/SharedXML/UIDropDownMenu.lua"]:1007: in function `UIDropDownMenuButton_OnClick'
[string "*UIDropDownMenuTemplates.xml:136_OnClick"]:1: in function <[string "*UIDropDownMenuTemplates.xml:136_OnClick"]:1>

Locals: frame = Krowi_Tutorial1 {
0 =
Flash = AnimationGroup {
SetPortraitShown = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:91
GetTitleText = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:28
Inset = Krowi_Tutorial1Inset {
SetPortraitTextureRaw = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:79
TitleContainer = Frame {
SetTitleMaxLinesAndHeight = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:49
SetTitleColor = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:32
DefaultPortraitTextureSizeAndOffset = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:101
SetTitle = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:36
Images =

ImageMargin =
SetBorder = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:62
layoutType = "PortraitFrameTemplate"
MaxPage = 15
SavedVariables =
MinPage = 1
SetPortraitToBag = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:75
PortraitContainer = Frame {
SetPortraitToUnit = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:71
TextMargin =
Bg = Krowi_Tutorial1Bg {
Pages =
GetPortrait = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:58
SetTitleFormatted = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:40
NineSlice = Frame {
TopTileStreaks = Texture {
Next = Button {
Text = FontString {
SetPortraitToAsset = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:67
SetPortraitTextureSizeAndOffset = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:95
Key = "FeaturesTutorial"
CloseButton = Krowi_Tutorial1CloseButton {
Title = "Krowi's Achievement Filter -"
Prev = Button {
Shine = Frame {
PageNum = FontString {
SetPortraitAtlasRaw = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:83
SetPortraitTexCoord = defined @Interface/SharedXML/PortraitFrame.lua:87
i = 5
page =
ImageTexCoord =
SubTitle = "Full Search"
ImageSize =
Text = "By selecting 'Show All X Results' you're able to view all search results. See the Quick Search tutorial for more details."
Image = "Interface\AddOns\Krowi_AchievementFilter\Media\FullSearch"
layout = "VERTICAL"
point = "CENTER"
relativeFrame = UIParent {
0 =
Tabs =
ContainerFrames =
firstTimeLoaded = 1
variablesLoaded = true
relativePoint = "CENTER"
offsetX = 0
offsetY = 0
width = 50
title = "Krowi's Achievement Filter -"
imageSize =
Height = 512
Width = 826
imageTexCoord =
1 = 0
2 = 0.806641
3 = 0
4 = 1
imageMargin =
Top = 36
Right = 19
Left = 17
Bottom = 38
textSize =
Height = 0
Width = 0
textMargin =
Top = 0
Right = 10
Left = 10
Bottom = 20
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "CENTER"
(*temporary) = UIParent {
0 =
Tabs =
ContainerFrames = <tab


Happens for every tutorial.