Option to use default UI whitelist for auras
d87 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Default nameplates use "HARMFUL|INCLUDE_NAME_PLATE_ONLY" filter for UnitAura to show only critical debuffs.
Like knowing about aoe stuns from other players is about the extent of what i need from nameplate auras, so simple option to mimic default behavior would be nice.
Actually they use
local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expiration, caster, _, nameplateShowPersonal, spellid, _, _, _, nameplateShowAll = UnitAura(...)
local function ShouldShowBuff(name, caster, nameplateShowPersonal, nameplateShowAll, duration)
if (not name) then
return false;
return nameplateShowAll or
(nameplateShowPersonal and (caster == "player" or caster == "pet" or caster == "vehicle"));