


[Feature Request] Disable NPC nameplates by filter

felixriermaier opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I'm using NPC and friendly player nameplates in name only mode. Exactly in as in this screenshot of yours:

This is nice and good, actually perfect, except for when you enter a bigger city or outpost. As soon as you do that, the screen gets cluttered with nameplates, as there are so many NPC's.

Feature request:
Add the option to disable friendly NPC nameplates by filters. Actually disable, not fade.
The filter required for my use case would be: Disable all friendly NPC nameplates where the NPC does NOT have a title.

Referencing the screenshot above, the expected behaviour would be:

  • Tenden: Nameplate still visible as he is not an NPC
  • Koraud: Nameplate still visible as he has the title "Body Guard"
  • Aerith Primrose: Nameplate still visible as she has the title "Flower Vendor"
  • Violet Hold Guard: Nameplate disabled as he/she does not have any title

I think this feature would greatly increase the usability of friendly NPC nameplates in name only mode.


Add-ons can't arbitrarily disable nameplates. So the only way this could be achieved would be to fade them out. That, however, would leave an invisible click box, which is confusing.



Thanks for your answer.
Interesting, I was not aware that addons can't do that.
I've seen the desired behaviour within TidyPlates. However, it is possible that these plates were just faded to invisibility without me noticing it.

Would it be possible to still implement a filter that gives the desired outcome?
The fading tab is already there. So I assume, given the correct filter, that page could be used to make them invisible? I might never had an issue with the clickable box, as I have friendly plates click-through.

The addon and its behaviour is so perfect, expect for this detail when entering crowded places.

I would literally pay you to implement that feature. :)


It's a simple fade rule. I put it in the recent beta release to see how it looked. Enable it by checking the option to fade friendly NPCs under /knp > fade rules, then type: /knp set fade_friendly_npc_exclude_titled true

That will make friendly NPCs' nameplates fade out to the "conditional alpha" value at the top of the page. The typed option then excludes NPCs which have a vendor title from that rule. To completely hide them, set conditional alpha to 0.

There's no harm in keeping it, I'd just have to move stuff around in the config page. Let me know if it does what you were looking for.


Thank you so much. This is exactly what I was looking for.
Here is some comparison to make clear what impact it has for my UI: https://imgur.com/a/SyGiZPB

Let me know when you get yourself something like a paypal tipjar.