


WeakAuras attached to KuiNameplates act funky on zooming

InfusOnWoW opened this issue ยท 2 comments


This is going to be a long read, I'll try to best to explain it properly.

A while ago, we got a bug report against WA that icons with texts loose their text while attached to the PRD WeakAuras/WeakAuras2#648.

This is fixed in the latest alpha. I'd like to explain the fix to you, because I believe you have run into the same problem while developing kui nameplates, because you left this comment "-- XXX 80 buggy; child text frames disappear" in the code.

So, for the initial problem, I created this test case:

Now, as Crosshash from Blizzard explained, that's due to a quirk in how texts behave. He said: "You're not reanchoring the frame with the text on detach, and fontstrings check that they have a valid rect before building geometry."

And indeed, after changing Detach, the bug no longer occurs for Blizzard nameplates:

That commit is in the latest alpha and will be part of the next release.

There remains one issue with kui nameplates which is different but related.

For KUI nameplates, for icons with text attached to nameplate the text temporarily disappears while zooming. I think that's related to you how you position your frames via: SizerOnSizeChanged.

Disabling the sizer frame, and enabling the old code: "frame.kui:SetPoint('CENTER',frame)" does fix the issue for me.

Hopefully my long rambling allows you to do that change and figure out the problems that you had with it previously.


I cahnged WeakAuras to use the KuiNameplatesPlayerAnchor now, which doesn't have that problem.