


Cast Timer Still Casting when Cancelled

jmchiera93 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hi, during the last Classic stress test over the weekend I noticed 2 strange things. I'm not sure if it's a bug or I just can't configure it right. Target's cast bars will continue to cast even if the target cancels the cast. I'm not sure if that leads to my second thing I found is that it seems on the target frame it shows the 'Empty bar as if it were enabled.

@Project-Version@ 2.4+debug
{ ["profile"] = "default" }
{ ["fade_speed"] = 0, ["threat_brackets"] = true, ["font_size_normal"] = 12.75, ["level_text"] = true, ["health_text_friend_max"] = 3, ["ignore_uiscale"] = true, ["nameonly"] = false, ["health_text"] = true, ["fade_avoid_casting_hostile"] = true, ["fade_avoid_casting_friendly"] = true, ["class_colour_enemy_names"] = true, ["hide_names"] = false, ["colour_player_class"] = true, ["fade_friendly_npc"] = true, ["fade_non_target_alpha"] = 1, ["fade_avoid_execute_friend"] = true, ["cvar_enable"] = true, ["fade_avoid_casting_interruptible"] = true, ["nameonly_target"] = false, ["fade_conditional_alpha"] = 1, ["health_text_hostile_max"] = 3 }
HealthBar, CombatUpdate, NameText, LevelText, RaidIcon, ClassPowers, CastBar, Highlight, PowerBar, AbsorbBar, Threat, Auras, Classification, Execute, Fading, GuildText, PlayerAnchor, TankMode, BossMods, [CombatToggle], BarAnimation, ArenaID, Target

Edit: Got confused and posted this for the wrong addon.