


Feature Request: Highlight for party members in nameonly

Aerannas opened this issue ยท 3 comments



thank you for this insanely polished addon.

I'd like to suggest a way to highlight party members while in nameonly mode. i use it for friendly targets and npcs. The only thing im missing is when i'm grouped with other players they dont stand out from other players that are not in my group.

i think it would be great if players are highlighted if they are in the same 5 man group as you. This could be achieved either with a highlight effect similar to the highlight for selected targets or alternatively an option to assign their nameplate text a specific colour. IIRC the default UI does something similar where grouped players are distinguished with a light-blue colour for their names.

Thank you for your consideration and your work


I would also love this feature. I play with my wife, she's not a big fan of this addon because she can't easily identify my nameplate in the soup of other nameplates.


I would also love this feature. I play with my wife, she's not a big fan of this addon because she can't easily identify my nameplate in the soup of other nameplates.

this is exactly what led me to write this request. When im grouped with my wife she has a hard time of spotting me and vice versa


Thank you first of all for this superb addon.
I always thought the addon was missing this function. So I can only agree with my comrades above.
We should be able to distinguish our friends grouped together from the other friends we have in the same place.
Thank you in advance, if the game allows it.