


Feature Request: Ability to move class resource to bottom of personal resource display.

Chark9 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


It would be great if we could swap the class resource to the bottom of the PRD, specifically with the skins that KUI provides. I know there is an option to show default class powers which are on the bottom of the display but some of them overlap the PRD (brewmaster monk stagger for example). I like to attach weak aura buff trackers to the top of the PRD so having the resource below is ideal.

Attached image shows stagger overlapping monk energy bar using the default resource with KUI PRD.


Yes. I'm sort of rewriting classpowers in the background. I might possibly add just a vertical offset or "side" option in the meantime.


The closing commit introduces options you can get a list of with: /knp find classpowers_y
You can get the current value of one of those with: /knp get classpowers_y_personal
You can change it with: /knp set classpowers_y_personal 10
You can reset one to default with: /knp set classpowers_y_personal nil

(This commit also moves class powers to the bottom of the personal nameplate by default because.. it makes more sense)


This is great, thank you!