


Bug when opening mail.

DiscordGregory opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Didn't do anything special, logged in and got the error when I opened the mailbox. The item is a drop from a Timewalking dungeon I didn't loot. I'm using the twitch release if that matters.

2x LastSeen\Main.lua:307: attempt to compare number with nil
[string "@lastseen\Main.lua"]:307: in function <LastSeen\Main.lua:72>

self = {
0 =
mailItems = 1
(for index) = 1
(for limit) = 1
(for step) = 1
i = 1
_ = 960784
_ = 134327
sender = "The Postmaster"
subject = "Recovered Item"
(for index) = 1
(for limit) = 16
(for step) = 1
j = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = "|cffffffff|Hitem:109879::::::::120:252:512:22:2:6424:6652:120:::|h[]|h|r"
(*temporary) = 960784
(*temporary) = "INVTYPE_WRIST"
(*temporary) = 960784
(*temporary) = 4
(*temporary) = 4
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"
addonTbl =

doNotIgnore = false
AddCreatureByNameplate = defined @lastseen\Handlers\NameplateHandler.lua:27
LoadSettings = defined @lastseen\Settings.lua:138
isAutoLootPlusLoaded = false
ignoredItemCategories =
AddQuest = defined @lastseen\Handlers\QuestHandler.lua:12
New = defined @lastseen\Handlers\ItemHandler.lua:10
GetQuestInfo = defined @lastseen\Handlers\QuestHandler.lua:23
GetTable = defined @lastseen\Handlers\FunctionHandler.lua:280
questID = 0
maxHistoryEntries = 20
removedItems =
Search = defined @lastseen\Handlers\FunctionHandler.lua:55
Contains = defined @lastseen\Handlers\FunctionHandler.lua:253
wasUpdated = false
itemSourceCreatureID = 0
ignoredItems =
Update = defined @lastseen\Handlers\ItemHandler.lua:52
isFasterLootLoaded = false
Remove = defined @lastseen\Handlers\FunctionHandler.lua:23
query = ""
lootFast = false
L =
GetCurrentMap = defined @lastseen\Handlers\FunctionHandler.lua:148
rarity = 2
OnTooltipSetItem = defined @lastseen\Handlers\FunctionHandler.lua:189
itemsToSource =
AddCreatureByMouseover = defined @lastseen\Handlers\NameplateHandler.lua:6
mode = "Debug"
DataIsValid = defined @lastseen\Handlers\FunctionHandler.lua:168
RollHistory = defined @lastseen\Handlers\FunctionHandler.lua:289
GetTableKeyFromValue = defined @lastseen\Handlers\FunctionHandler.lua:243
GetItemInfo = defined @lastseen\Handlers\FunctionHandler.lua:301
isInInstance = false
currentMap = "Warspear"
events =
ExtractItemLink = defined @lastseen\Handlers\FunctionHandler.lua:223
GetCount = defined @lastseen\Handlers\FunctionHandler.lua:6
isLastSeenLoaded = true
AddItem = defined @lastseen\Handlers\ItemHandler.lua:132
doNotUpdate = false
InitializeTable = defined @lastseen\Main.lua:37
playerName = "Brando"
L =
DATE = "06/13/2020"
INFO_MSG_IGNORED_ITEM = "This item is automatically ignored."
CMD_LOOT = "loot"
ERROR_MSG_CANT_COMPLETE_REQUEST = "Can't complete request: "
ADDON_NAME_SETTINGS = "|cff00ccffLastSeen|r"
AUCTION_HOUSE = "Auction House"
CMD_DISCORD = "discord"
CMD_HISTORY = "history"
ADDON_NAME = "|cff00ccffLastSeen|r: "
DEBUG_MODE = "Debug"
INFO_MSG_ITEM_ADDED = " successfully added."
AUCTION_WON_SUBJECT = "Auction won:"
RELEASE = "[2.0] "
ERROR_MSG_BAD_REQUEST = "Bad request. Please try again."
LOOT_ITEM_SELF = "You receive loot: "
INFO_MSG_POSTMASTER = "The Postmaster"
QUIET_MODE_DESC = "No output!
CMD_REMOVE = "remove"
INFO_MSG_LOOT_ENABLED = "Loot Fast mode enabled."
NORMAL_MODE_DESC = "Shows new and updated items.
CMD_VIEW = "view"
QUIET_MODE = "Quiet"
IS_UNKNOWN = "Unknown"
CMD_IMPORT = "import"
ERROR_MSG_CANT_ADD = "Can't add specif


There will be a check in place in 2.1 that will hold items with bad rarity in the mailbox.


If the player doesn't auto loot the items from the mailbox, then they can close and reopen it to try again.