[Question] Regarding the Toggle Button Frame
Spiderkeg opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I have my minimap situated at the bottom of my screen, and unfortunately the Toggle Button Frame opens in a less than desirable position. I've had to manually alter the SetPoint in Leatrix Plus to position the Toggle Button Frame directly top center of the minimap.
bFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", Minimap, "TOP", 0, 16)
This is obviously not sustainable, considering any Leatrix Plus updates will overwrite my little change. I would prefer to set my change from an outside script, but I don't know how to reference the Toggle Button Frame. The Frame doesn't appear to be named for reference and I can't spot any otherwise global reference.
Is there something I can do?
In 10.0.07.alpha.6 (and the next alpha releases for Wrath Classic and Classic Era), the combined button frame has a global reference of LeaPlusGlobalMinimapCombinedButtonFrame.
So you can add this to your .toc:
## OptionalDeps: Leatrix_Plus
And add this to your .lua after PLAYER_LOGIN fires:
if LeaPlusGlobalMinimapCombinedButtonFrame then
hooksecurefunc(LeaPlusGlobalMinimapCombinedButtonFrame, "SetHeight", function()
LeaPlusGlobalMinimapCombinedButtonFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", Minimap, "TOP", 0, 16)