Leatrix Plus (The War Within)

Leatrix Plus (The War Within)



kingreboot opened this issue · 2 comments


20x Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:9281: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[string "@Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua"]:9281: in function <Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:9059>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function securecallfunction' [string "@SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:60: in function <SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:55> [string "@SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:80: in function <SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:76> [string "@SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:116: in function <SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:106> [string "=[C]"]: in function SetAttribute'
[string "@SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:141: in function <SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:134>
[string "@SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:282: in function <SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:240>
[string "=[C]"]: in function securecallfunction' [string "@SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:237: in function <SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:236> [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@InstanceAchievementTracker/GUI.lua"]:2499: in function GetNameFromNpcIDCache'
[string "@InstanceAchievementTracker/AchievementTrackerCore.lua"]:115: in function <...nstanceAchievementTracker/AchievementTrackerCore.lua:113>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "3"
(*temporary) = "|cff33937f"
(*temporary) = "Evoker"
(*temporary) = 147.000006
(*temporary) = 127.000008
(*temporary) = "33937f"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
LT =

GuildRank = "1st Officer"
LevelLocale = "Level"
NameColor = "|cff33937f"
UnitLevel = 61
Unit = "mouseover"
GuildLine = 2
ClassCol =
InfoLine = 3
RealLevel = 61
TipIsPlayer = true
NameText = "Detalzin"
PlayerControl = true
InfoText = "Level 61 Dracthyr |cff33937fEvoker"
LpTipClassColor = "|cff33937f"
Class = "Evoker"
Sex = 2
Reaction = 5
PlayerRace = "Dracthyr"
ColorBlind = "0"
GuildName = "Äsgard"
UnitClass = "EVOKER"
TipUnitName = "Detalzin"
LeaPlusLC =
LeaPlusNav9 = Button {
WidgetTopR = "TOP"
MuteCustomList = ""
TimerY = -96
TooltipAnchorMenuTable =
LeaPlusNav2.s = Texture {
RecentChatSize = 170
MakeFT = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:355
BordersAlpha = 0
MinimapR = "TOPRIGHT"
TipCursorX = 0
Page0 = Frame {
DressupItemButtons = "Off"
InviteFromWhisper = "On"
DurabilityScale = 1
MuteZeppelins = "Off"
TransHallowed = "Off"
MakeCB = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:11782
MuteGyrocopters = "Off"
ManageDurability = "Off"
AcceptPartyFriends = "On"
LockOption = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:551
RestoreChatMessages = "Off"
MinimapModder = "Off"
MakeSL = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:11728
Page4 = Frame {
ShowDropTip = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:280
ReloadCheck = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:608
NoPartyInvites = "Off"
NumberOfPages = 9
TipHideShiftOverride = "On"
HideZoneText = "Off"
TimerX = -5
WidgetTopA = "TOP"
SetTipScale = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:8755
SetDim = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:570
HideMiniAddonButtons = "On"
LeaPlusQuestFontSize = 18
TipShowTarget = "Off"
AutoSellNoKeeperTahult = "On"
ShowErrorsFlag = 1
NoDuelRequests = "Off"
Print = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:89
QuestFontChange = "Off"
NoRaidRestrictions = "Off"
MuteAirships = "Off"
AutoQuestKeyMenuTable =
MuteSoulEaters = "Off"
HideCleanupBtns = "Off"
BordersTop = 0
Page9 = Frame {
ZygorToggle = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:367
TipNoHealthBar = "Off"
TooltipAnchorMenu = 1
ShowRaidToggle = "Off"
MinimapNoScale = "Off"
ShowVoiceButtons = "Off"
IsPlusShowing = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:463
MuteCustomSounds = "Off"
BlockDrunkenSpam = "Off"
LeaPlusNav5.s = Texture {
AutoReleaseNoAshran = "Off"
MuteMechsuits = "Off"
MakePage = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:14294
ShowWowheadLinks = "Off"
AutoQuestCompleted = "On"
Page7 = Frame {
CfgBtn = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:318
LeaPlusMailFontSize = 22
NoFriendRequests = "Off"
LeaPlusNav1 = Button {
AutoReleaseNoTolBarad = "Off"
transTable =
MuteMechSteps = "Off"
WidgetTopScale = 1
NoCombatLogTab = "On"
muteTable =
LeaPlusNav2 = Button {
MoveChatEditBoxToTop = "Off"
MuteSniffing = "Off"
MinimapY = -2
MakeWD = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:11719
LeaPlusNav4 = Button {
NoScreenGlow = "Off"
VehicleY = -192
Page1 = Frame {
LeaPlusChatFontSize = 20
LeaPlusNav0 = Button {
MailFontChange = "Off"
LeaPlusNav3 = Button {
ShowBorders = "Off"
MainPanelA = "CENTER"
BordersLeft = 0
MuteSunflower = "Off"
AutoSellJunk = "On"
AutoRepairGear = "On"
ManageTimer = "Off"
CreateDropDown = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:11946
HideTalkingFrame = "Off"


This is to do with 'Enhance tooltip' ('Interface') and possibly related to Instance Achievement Tracker. You saw this error when mousing over a player unit.

  • How often do you see this error?
  • Starting from a /reload, are you able to list some steps that will produce this error?

If you have any further information, you can still reply to this ticket even if the status is closed.