LFG MatchMaker TBC

LFG MatchMaker TBC


Role selection in LFM frame

Bonkeybee opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Can we get a role selection/checkbox in the LFM frame that will automatically adjust the LFM string/broadcast to send what other roles are needed?



For LFG, I suggest:


With these implementation details:

  • (FUTURE FEATURE:) Add checkbox: "Only alert for groups that want my role", meaning it ignores "Lf 1 tank" if you are a DPS etc.
  • If a user clicks 1 role, then the "Whisper invite" action will send the whisper with something like "Invite please (61 Paladin Tank)" (instead of just 61 Paladin).
  • If the user clicks 2-3 roles, it would say "Invite please (61 Paladin Tank or Healer)" or "Invite Please (61 Paladin Tank/Healer/DPS)".

@fs86 For LFM, I lost my mockup image (image editor crash before I could save), so I am not redoing that...

But the idea was:

Needs: [  0] Tanks    [   2] Healers   [  3] DPS

Which would result in a message like "LF 2 Healers, 3 DPS" (please don't use the word "DD", it doesn't fit WOW. :))

An alternative idea is this:

Group Size: [   5 (Dungeon) ]   Tanks:  [  0 ]   Healers: [  1 ]

Which would result in:

  • Look at current party size (let's say 2 people)
  • Detect that 0 tanks needed, hence it understands 1 person in party is a tank.
  • Detect that 1 healer is needed.
  • Detect how many DPS are needed: 5 (party size) - 2 (current people in party) - 0 (the tank spots) - 1 (the healer spots) = 2 DPS missing
  • So it will say: Okay we have 1 tank 1 DPS, we need 1 healer and 2 DPS.
  • The broadcast message would be "LF3M: 1 Healer, 2 DPS".
  • This technique is AWESOME, BUT it has 1 small issue: Sometimes people keep reserves/friends/socials in the raid group even though they aren't raiding. So IF this technique is used, it really also needs another extra box: "Socials/Slackers: [ 3]" which means: Target raid/party size (10) - (Current raid/party members (7) MINUS slackers (3)) = 10 - (7 - 3) = 10 - 4 = Need 6 more REAL group members

I vote for the 2nd option, including the slackers/socials box to not count the people who are in there for no reason.


Thank you for the good ideas. I think most of it should work, however I don't think the AddOn can read the existing roles in the group. I need to find out about that first. I'm not sure yet how the addon will handle neutral messages like "LFM mana tombs". Do you have a suggestion for this?


@fs86 Apologies, I quit TBC classic and forgot about replying here.

Hmm, in case of neutral messages, treat it as LF every role (matching on tank, healer and DPS).

That would be perfect.


@Bananaman Regarding the further development I would like to refer to the description on the project page:

Unfortenately, I currently have very little time for programming. For this reason it is not possible to add more features at the moment. Instead I'm primary focusing on fixing bugs and adding more dungeon identifiers. This also means that I won't be adding role selection in the near future. When I have more time, I will start working on it again.


That's a great idea. I will have a look at this for version 1.0.3. Today or maybe tomorrow version 1.0.2 will be released which will have some UI improvements as well as a better boost filter.


I think the easiest solution would be to have a spinbutton for each role in the LFM tab where you can define how many of each role you need for your group. Once the broadcast window pops up, you can adjust this this before posting to /LookingForGroup.

The broadcast string would be something like that:
LF{N}M {D} ({R})

{R} contains all roles that are still needed for the group.
Example: "1 Tank, 1 Heal, 1 DD"

Whats your opinion about that?

Removing the version tag for now, because this is something that needs some time and there are higher priorities that I need to look at.


Hi, is possible to get this role selection checkbox also in LFG?

For example if I am playing DPS, so I would like to receive notification/pop-up only with LFM DPS.


I think the easiest solution would be to have a spinbutton for each role in the LFM tab where you can define how many of each role you need for your group. Once the broadcast window pops up, you can adjust this this before posting to /LookingForGroup.

The broadcast string would be something like that:
LF{N}M {D} ({R})

{R} contains all roles that are still needed for the group.
Example: "1 Tank, 1 Heal, 1 DD"

Whats your opinion about that?

Removing the version tag for now, because this is something that needs some time and there are higher priorities that I need to look at.

This would be perfect!