

[Patch 7.2] C_ArtifactUI.GetPowers() sometimes returns nil

Cluuey opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I got this as I completed the quest to unlock the new traits.
It popped up when the frame was auto opened to animate the changes. Now that has happened I can open my weapon with no errors.

ID: -2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...izon\lib\LibArtifactData-1.0\LibArtifactData-1.0.lua line 166:
   attempt to get length of local 'powers' (a nil value)
   [C]: ?
   ...izon\lib\LibArtifactData-1.0\LibArtifactData-1.0.lua:379: ?()

  MoncaiCompare, v7.0.1
  Swatter, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AdvancedInterfaceOptions, v1.1.1
  AngryAssignments, vv1.8.9
  AucAdvanced, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucFilterBasic, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucFilterOutlier, v7.2.5688.5459(7.2/embedded)
  AucMatchUndercut, v7.2.5688.5585(7.2/embedded)
  AucScanData, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatHistogram, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatiLevel, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatPurchased, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatSales, v7.2.5688.5598(7.2/embedded)
  AucStatSimple, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatStdDev, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatWOWEcon, v7.2.5688.5613(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilAHWindowControl, v7.2.5688.5575(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilAppraiser, v7.2.5688.5666(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilAskPrice, v7.2.5688.5599(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilAutoMagic, v7.2.5688.5686(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilCompactUI, v7.2.5688.5629(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilEasyBuyout, v7.2.5688.5576(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilFixAH, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucUtilItemSuggest, v7.2.5688.5651(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilPriceLevel, v7.2.5688.5633(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilScanButton, v7.2.5688.5631(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilScanFinish, v7.2.5688.5588(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilScanProgress, v7.2.5688.4979(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilScanStart, v7.2.5688.5347(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilSearchUI, v7.2.5688.5672(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilSimpleAuction, v7.2.5688.5654(7.2/embedded)
  AucUtilVendMarkup, v7.2.5688.4828(7.2/embedded)
  AutoLootSpecSwap, v
  Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
  BattlePetBreedID, vr140
  BeanCounter, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  BonusRollPreview, v70100.37-Release
  BrokerEquipment, v70100.27-Release
  BrokerRunSpeed, v1.6
  BrokerWorldQuests, v7.1.29
  BrokerDualSpec, v7.06
  Chatter, v1.5.3-1-gd0ab21b
  ChefsHat, v7.0.0.160807
  Clique, vv70100-1.1.0-bec043c
  Configator, v5.1.DEV.406(/embedded)
  DBMCore, v7.2.0
  DBMDefaultSkin, v
  DBMGarrisonInvasions, v
  DBMStatusBarTimers, v
  DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
  EventHorizon, v1.9.18
  EventHorizonDruid, v
  Examiner, v16.08.30
  ExtraQuestButton, v70000.8-Release
  FamilyFamiliarHelper, v1.0.4
  HandyNotes, vv1.4.13
  HandyNotesLegionTreasures, v1
  HandyNotesSuramarLeylines, v1
  HandyNotesSuramarTelemancy, v1
  HandyNotesTreasureHunter, v1
  IceHUD, v1.10.14-1-g94850e5
  Informant, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.416(/embedded)
  MinimapMouseWheelEnabler, v
  MoveAnything, v16.1.6
  NinjaPanel, vv60100-1.0.0
  nPlates, v2.20
  Postal, vv3.5.8
  Recap, v4.91
  Rematch, v4.6.3
  RSA, v3.275
  RSADruid, v
  SexyMap, vv7.2.0
  Simulationcraft, v1.5.1
  Stubby, v7.2.5688 (TasmanianThylacine)
  TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.405(/embedded)
  TipTop, v2.18
  TomTom, vv70100-1.1.0-49459b0
  TradeSkillBookmarks, v1.1.3
  WeakAuras, v2.3.8
  BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v7.2.0.70200 <none>


I updated this within EventHorizon, without doing that you couldn't even open your weapon.


Please update EventHorizon to at least 1.9.19. The version you are using has an old version of LAD embedded.


Could you please tell me how to reliably reproduce this? I did the quest, got the new traits and no error for me.


Got the same error, on a warrior protection just right when I got the new artifact traits. Then after the reload nothing.

On a protection paladin, no error instead. Kinda weird.

Have to do the new trait quest on other 5 - 6 alts, maybe i'll get you back with some info.


I pushed a release to wowace/curse and it should be up in a few moments. Maybe it is fixed, maybe not. If not I'll just do a nil check for powers but this is just plain pity.