Cannot find a library instance of "LibArtifactData-1.0".
mLgz0rn opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Message: [string "--[[ Error in ' UseArtifactPower Icon' ]]re..."]:309: Cannot find a library instance of "LibArtifactData-1.0".
Time: 11/24/17 17:32:44
Count: 1
Stack: [string "--[[ Error in ' UseArtifactPower Icon' ]]re..."]:309: Cannot find a library instance of "LibArtifactData-1.0".
Interface\SharedXML\SharedBasicControls.lua:208: in function <Interface\SharedXML\SharedBasicControls.lua:207>
[C]: ?
[C]: in function `error'
...nterface\AddOns\SharedMedia\libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua:38: in function `LibStub'
[string "--[[ Error in ' UseArtifactPower Icon' ]]re..."]:309: in function `GetApValue'
[string "--[[ Error in ' UseArtifactPower Icon' ]]re..."]:18: in function `triggerFunc'
Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\GenericTrigger.lua:508: in function `ScanEvents'
Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\GenericTrigger.lua:570: in function `ScanAll'
Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:1427: in function `ScanForLoads'
Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:1469: in function `ReloadAll'
Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:1141: in function `ScanAll'
Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:1099: in function `Resume'
...terface\AddOns\WeakAurasOptions\WeakAurasOptions.lua:1148: in function <...terface\AddOns\WeakAurasOptions\WeakAurasOptions.lua:1125>
Locals: errorMessage = "[string "--[[ Error in ' UseArtifactPower Icon' ]]re..."]:309: Cannot find a library instance of "LibArtifactData-1.0"."
DisplayMessageInternal = <function> defined @Interface\SharedXML\SharedBasicControls.lua:191
Here is the code to the weakaura I use throwing the error
aura_env.empowering = select(1, GetSpellInfo(228111))
-- Create button and fill WA region
if not UseArtifactButton then
aura_env.button = CreateFrame("Button", "UseArtifactButton", WeakAuras.regions[].region, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
aura_env.button = UseArtifactButton
local ArtifactPowerSpells = {
[216876] = 10,
[217024] = 400,
[217026] = 25,
[217045] = 75,
[217055] = 100,
[217299] = 35,
[217300] = 35,
[217301] = 100,
[217355] = 100,
[217511] = 50,
[217512] = 60,
[217670] = 200,
[217671] = 400,
[217689] = 150,
[220547] = 100,
[220548] = 235,
[220549] = 480,
[220550] = 450,
[220551] = 530,
[220553] = 550,
[225897] = 100,
[227531] = 200,
[227535] = 300,
[227886] = 545,
[227889] = 210,
[227904] = 35,
[227905] = 55,
[227907] = 200,
[227941] = 150,
[227942] = 200,
[227943] = 465,
[227944] = 520,
[227945] = 165,
[227946] = 190,
[227947] = 210,
[227948] = 230,
[227949] = 475,
[227950] = 515,
[228067] = 400,
[228069] = 100,
[228078] = 500,
[228079] = 600,
[228080] = 250,
[228106] = 490,
[228107] = 250,
[228108] = 210,
[228109] = 170,
[228110] = 205,
[228111] = 245,
[228112] = 160,
[228130] = 125,
[228131] = 400,
[228135] = 250,
[228220] = 150,
[228310] = 50,
[228352] = 500,
[228422] = 175,
[228423] = 350,
[228436] = 170,
[228437] = 220,
[228438] = 195,
[228439] = 185,
[228440] = 190,
[228442] = 215,
[228443] = 180,
[228444] = 750,
[228647] = 400,
[228921] = 500,
[228955] = 25,
[228956] = 50,
[228957] = 35,
[228959] = 45,
[228960] = 20,
[228961] = 25,
[228962] = 40,
[228963] = 80,
[228964] = 150,
[229746] = 100,
[229747] = 200,
[229776] = 1000,
[229778] = 100,
[229779] = 300,
[229780] = 350,
[229781] = 300,
[229782] = 500,
[229783] = 100,
[229784] = 150,
[229785] = 800,
[229786] = 350,
[229787] = 300,
[229788] = 600,
[229789] = 250,
[229790] = 2000,
[229791] = 1000,
[229792] = 4000,
[229793] = 900,
[229794] = 1000,
[229795] = 650,
[229796] = 450,
[229798] = 750,
[229799] = 1200,
[229803] = 500,
[229804] = 875,
[229805] = 1250,
[229806] = 2500,
[229807] = 20,
[229857] = 100,
[229858] = 100,
[229859] = 1000,
[231035] = 100,
[231041] = 100,
[231047] = 1000,
[231048] = 500,
[231337] = 600,
[231362] = 200,
[231453] = 500,
[231512] = 500,
[231538] = 250,
[231543] = 500,
[231544] = 100,
[231556] = 500,
[231581] = 250,
[231647] = 500,
[231669] = 500,
[231709] = 500,
[231727] = 800,
[232755] = 90,
[232832] = 95,
[232890] = 400,
[232994] = 100,
[232995] = 120,
[232996] = 180,
[232997] = 800,
[233030] = 150,
[233031] = 100,
[233204] = 500,
[233209] = 500,
[233211] = 800,
[233242] = 300,
[233243] = 1000,
[233244] = 250,
[233245] = 250,
[233348] = 3000,
[233816] = 250,
[234045] = 250,
[234047] = 400,
[234048] = 500,
[234049] = 600,
[235245] = 175,
[235246] = 195,
[235247] = 220,
[235248] = 240,
[235256] = 250,
[235257] = 155,
[235266] = 500,
[237344] = 320,
[237345] = 380,
[238029] = 85,
[238030] = 115,
[238031] = 300,
[238032] = 400,
[238033] = 750,
[239094] = 600,
[239095] = 650,
[239096] = 270,
[239097] = 225,
[239098] = 285,
[240331] = 200,
[240332] = 125,
[240333] = 600,
[240335] = 240,
[240337] = 360,
[240339] = 1600,
[240483] = 2500,
[241156] = 175,
[241157] = 290,
[241158] = 325,
[241159] = 465,
[241160] = 300,
[241161] = 475,
[241162] = 540,
[241163] = 775,
[241164] = 375,
[241165] = 600,
[241166] = 675,
[241167] = 1000,
[241471] = 750,
[241476] = 1000,
[241752] = 800,
[241753] = 255,
[242062] = 500,
[242116] = 3125,
[242117] = 2150,
[242118] = 1925,
[242119] = 1250,
[242564] = 1200,
[242572] = 725,
[242573] = 1500,
[242575] = 5000,
[242884] = 625,
[242886] = 125,
[242887] = 100,
[242890] = 50,
[242891] = 500,
[242893] = 250,
[242911] = 2000,
[242912] = 400,
[244814] = 600,
[246165] = 500,
[246166] = 525,
[246167] = 625,
[246168] = 275,
[247040] = 750,
[247075] = 250,
[247316] = 450,
[247319] = 125,
[247631] = 300,
[247633] = 700,
[247634] = 1000,
[248047] = 800,
[248841] = 20,
[248842] = 30,
[248843] = 40,
[248844] = 50,
[248845] = 60,
[248846] = 70,
[248847] = 80,
[248848] = 90,
[248849] = 100,
[250374] = 550,
[250375] = 590,
[250376] = 575,
[250377] = 625,
[250378] = 610,
[250379] = 650,
[251039] = 3500,
[252078] = 200,
[253833] = 400,
[253834] = 600,
[253902] = 1200,
[253931] = 875,
[254000] = 10000,
[254387] = 500,
[254593] = 200,
[254603] = 570,
[254608] = 630,
[254609] = 565,
[254610] = 635,
[254656] = 645,
[254657] = 745,
[254658] = 550,
[254659] = 650,
[254660] = 640,
[254661] = 560,
[254662] = 625,
[254663] = 575,
[254699] = 50,
[254761] = 750,
[255161] = 650,
[255162] = 550,
[255163] = 750,
[255165] = 800,
[255166] = 600,
[255167] = 900,
[255168] = 1000,
[255169] = 1250,
[255170] = 1000,
[255171] = 450,
[255172] = 600,
[255173] = 750,
[255175] = 850,
[255176] = 600,
[255177] = 520,
[255178] = 550,
[255179] = 535,
[255180] = 305,
[255181] = 315,
[255182] = 330,
[255183] = 345,
[255184] = 350,
[255185] = 555,
[255186] = 60,
[255187] = 90,
[255188] = 75,
local itemCache = {}
function aura_env.GetApValue(item)
if itemCache[item] then
return itemCache[item]
local _, _, spellID = GetItemSpell(item);
if ArtifactPowerSpells[spellID] then
local lib = LibStub("LibArtifactData-1.0")
local _,knowledge = lib:GetArtifactKnowledge()
local value = knowledge*ArtifactPowerSpells[spellID]
itemCache[item] = value
return value
return 0
aura_env.ShortenNumber = function(number,digits)
digits = tonumber(digits) or 0 -- error
number = tonumber(number) or 0 -- error
local affix = {'','k','m','b','t','p'}
local pastPoint = number
local i = 1
while number>=1000 do
number = number/1000
i = i+1
pastPoint = string.sub(pastPoint,strlen(floor(number))+1,strlen(floor(number))+digits)
pastPoint = pastPoint == "" and 0 or pastPoint
if digits > 0 and tonumber(pastPoint) > 0 then
return format("%i",number).. "." .. pastPoint .. affix[i]
elseif digits>0 and tonumber(pastPoint) <= 0 then
return format("%i",number).. ".0" .. affix[i]
return format("%i",number) .. affix[i]
LibArtifactData-1.0 is present in my interface folder and is loaded in wow
I'm not familiar with WeakAuras, but it looks like you are trying to use LAD before is has been loaded. Maybe something like
if not IsAddOnLoaded('LibArtifactData-1.0') then
would solve your issue,
I'm considering adding the functionality you aim to achieve to LAD though.
Yeah, it was a problem with the weakaura, the guy behind it got it fixed so it works now :p
local load = IsAddOnLoaded("LibArtifactData-1.0") or LoadAddOn("LibArtifactData-1.0")
if load then
local lib = LibStub("LibArtifactData-1.0")
if not forced then
forced = true
local _,knowledge = lib:GetArtifactKnowledge()
local value = knowledge*ArtifactPowerSpells[spellID]
itemCache[item] = value
return value