Details!: Framework (library)

Details!: Framework (library)


10.2 PTR error

jisamcom opened this issue ยท 1 comments


217x Details/Libs/DF/unitframe.lua:311: Division by zero
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/unitframe.lua"]:311: in function UpdateHealPrediction' [string "@Details/Libs/DF/unitframe.lua"]:400: in function PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD'
[string "@Details/Libs/DF/unitframe.lua"]:218: in function SetUnit' [string "@Details/Libs/DF/unitframe.lua"]:2167: in function SetUnit'
[string "@Plater/Plater.lua"]:4111: in function `func'
[string "@Plater/Plater.lua"]:4614: in function <Plater/Plater.lua:4610>

self = NamePlate22PlaterUnitFrameHealthBar {
ExecuteGlowDown = Texture {
OnTick = defined @Details/Libs/DF/unitframe.lua:265
isNamePlate = true
GetTexCoord = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1076
incomingHealIndicator = Texture {
SetTexCoord = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1071
GetBackdropColor = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:390
actorLevel = FontString {
SetUnit = defined @Details/Libs/DF/unitframe.lua:172
unitName = FontString {
UNIT_MAXHEALTH = defined @Details/Libs/DF/unitframe.lua:408
ExecuteRangeBar = Texture {
SetHook = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:383
barTexture = Texture {
ClearBackdrop = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:282
SetAlphaTo = defined @Plater/Plater.lua:9151
SetupTextureCoordinates = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:214
SetBorderTexture = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1164
0 =
barTextureMask = MaskTexture {
HookList =

DetailsRealTime = FontString {
OnBackdropLoaded = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:152
unit = "nameplate1"
SetVertexColor = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1054
SetDesaturated = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1042
GetBorderColor = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1212
HasBackdropInfo = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:278
IsDesaturated = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1050
GetColor = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1085
shieldIndicator = Texture {
barBorderTextureForMask = Texture {
GetEdgeSize = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:188
DetailsRealTimeFromPlayer = FontString {
customborder = Frame {
AddMaskTexture = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1117
IsAnimating = false
GetBorderTexture = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1180
CurrentHealthMax = 0
UNIT_HEAL_PREDICTION = defined @Details/Libs/DF/unitframe.lua:419
PixelSnapDisabled = true
HealthBarEvents =
CreateTextureMask = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1128
SetBackdropColor = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:399
displayedUnit = "nameplate1"
SetColor = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1080
WidgetType = "healthBar"
R = 0.200000
SetDesaturation = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1046
G = 0.576471
PlateFrame = NamePlate22 {
ExtraRaidMark = Texture {
GetMaskTexture = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1096
GetTexture = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1038
B = 0.498039
FrameOverlay = NamePlate22PlaterUnitFrameHealthBarOverlayFrame {
Settings =
SetMaskAtlas = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1103
ExecuteGlowUp = Texture {
background = Texture {
A = 1
GetMaskAtlas = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1110
oldHealth = 0
dversion = 468
SetMaskTexture = defined @Details/Libs/DF/mixins.lua:1089
FadeAnimation = AnimationGroup {
UNIT_HEAL_ABSORB_AMOUNT_CHANGED = defined @Details/Libs/DF/unitframe.lua:431
ApplyBackdrop = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:294
SetBackdrop = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:329
currentHealthMax = 0
CurrentHealth = 0
UNIT_HEALTH = defined @Details/Libs/DF/unitframe.lua:403
GetBackdrop = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:347
ExecuteRangeHealthCutOff = Texture {


should be fixed with f24afd0