Add Shared Db Data Stuff
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Some Way Integrate Shared Db Data Source In build-in Dog tag Functions.
Simple ability use Auction,Ace,Blizzard,Tradeskill Addons DB and Api data for in-output string and numeric data.
Ok. Its stupid idea.
Some explain
I'm looking for a method. A simple and convenient method of working with various databases of popular add-ons to use calculated functions available to anyone.
Addon or library - where you just need to throw the API file as a module of all these monstrous add-ons that suppress everything and everything Ace 3.0,Auctionator,Tsm, Journalist, ElfUI, Weak Aurasm, Details. And work with data from these add-ons by outputting text to the interface
Aggregator library (lib proxy) integrated with DogTag
Arbitrary popular addons have not so many properties but can raise some usefull inherit amount of addons.
Stats,tooltip stats,Random Raid Drop Calculate Chance , Dps Sim for Item bonus, Custom Tooltip Menu
I believe that there is a need in the game to integrate mainstream add-on data.
work with them in important areas.
- search for text in blizzard UI
- edit,replace, calculate Tooltip
- search, calculate Tradeskill and Auction UI data (Db,custom addon DB)
- Output information in a simple way from Inventory and Character UI (stats, item values)
- Control Text in Combat log
All this needs
Optional.Hooks Ace3 lib, some blizzard UI functions
1.formatting text
2.calculated functions,
3.a little work with tooltip UI (draw lines in the frame with information)
4.input data (DB) from different addons
DogTag as the basis for creating such add-ons is ideal. 67% already done
You've done a great job.