

WoD Client Freeze

Rainrider opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I started updating the spell data for WoD but ran into some issues I was not able to track down. Would be nice if you could take a look as times permit.

ABA seems to freeze the client when an aura gets refreshed (not only then, but this is easy to reproduce)

How to reproduce:

  1. Grab a WoD copy of LibPlayerSpells
  2. Create a hunter on beta
  3. Use Mend Pet to heal your pet
  4. Cast Mend Pet again before the buff drops from the pet

There are also other spells that cause this. Just look for the FIXME tags in the hunter data file and uncomment as you go.


Do you have any progress on this? Or maybe a hint what to look at? It seems to be an ABA issue.


It may be an issue caused by the changes in the animation API. I couldn't test it because LPS complained about missing spells for hunter and I didn't have time to investigate. Right now, I'm in holidays, far from my computer, but I'll try to give it a look when I'll get back home.


Looking into it. It seems related to display (which is easier to work around than something in the logic).

Edit: spotted, this is related to the countdown display.


I'm going on vacation for two weeks, leaving tommorow. I thought blizzards watchdog had to kick in and throw a "script ran too long" or something. Maybe it happens on their side. Why did you rule out timers as a possible cause?


I think I fixed it, by adding a minimum 0.1s delay between countdown updates. I think calling C_Timer.After with a too small number causes the callback to be called immediately, and, in that case, this was causing an infinite loop. See Adirelle/AdiButtonAuras@453fc02