

LUA Error: GetAuctionItemClasses -> function is outdate

fuba82 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hi there,
GetAuctionItemClasses() function is outdate and was replaced by:

GetItemSubClassInfo(itemClassID, itemSubClassID)

also the GetItemInfo function was changed to (if you need it):

itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture, itemSellPrice, itemClassID, itemSubClassID = GetItemInfo(itemID or "itemString" or "itemName" or "itemLink")

I also got this problem after Update for one of my addons :D

now i use this:

local Weapon = GetItemClassInfo(LE_ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON);
local Armor = GetItemClassInfo(LE_ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR);

LUA Error:

2x ...dOns\Molinari\libs\LibProcessable\LibProcessable-12.lua:446: attempt to call global 'GetAuctionItemClasses' (a nil value)
...dOns\Molinari\libs\LibProcessable\LibProcessable-12.lua:446: in function <...dOns\Molinari\libs\LibProcessable\LibProcessable.lua:404>

self = <unnamed> {
 0 = <userdata>
event = "PLAYER_LOGIN"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'GetAuctionItemClasses' (a nil value)"
inscriptionSkill = 0
jewelcraftingSkill = 0
enchantingSkill = 0
blacksmithingSkill = 0
lib = <table> {
 IsProspectable = <function> defined @Molinari\libs\LibProcessable\LibProcessable.lua:42
 containers = <table> {
 enchantingBuildings = <table> {
 IsMillable = <function> defined @Molinari\libs\LibProcessable\LibProcessable.lua:22
 ores = <table> {
 IsOpenable = <function> defined @Molinari\libs\LibProcessable\LibProcessable.lua:380
 IsDisenchantable = <function> defined @Molinari\libs\LibProcessable\LibProcessable.lua:323
 herbs = <table> {
hasEnchantingBuilding = nil
itemClasses = <table> {

hope this helps!

greetings q3fuba