PickLock by Mechagnomes
ipzaur opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Hi! Can you add picklock for mechagnomes?
For myself I did it like this:
- Added check for race to function "isOpenable" (line 135) in lib-file "\Molinari\libs\LibProcessable\LibProcessable.lua"
function lib:IsOpenable(itemID)
if(type(itemID) == 'string') then
assert(string.match(itemID, 'item:(%d+):') or tonumber(itemID), 'item must be an item ID or item Link')
itemID = (tonumber(itemID)) or (GetItemInfoFromHyperlink(itemID))
if(IsSpellKnown(1804)) then -- Pick Lock, Rogue ability
local pickLevel = lib.containers[itemID]
return pickLevel and pickLevel <= (UnitLevel('player') * 5), 1804
local raceID = select(3, UnitRace("player"))
if(raceID == 37) then -- Mechagnome race
local pickLevel = lib.containers[itemID]
return pickLevel and pickLevel <= (UnitLevel('player') * 5), 312890
- Change some block (line 120) in hook script "OnTooltipSetItem" in main file "\Molinari\Molinari.lua"
local isMillable, isMortar = LibProcessable:IsMillable(itemID)
local canPicklock, picklockSkillID = LibProcessable:IsOpenable(itemID)
if(isMillable and GetItemCount(itemID) >= 5) then
Molinari:Apply(itemLink, isMortar and 114942 or 51005, 1/2, 1, 1/2, isMortar)
elseif(LibProcessable:IsProspectable(itemID) and GetItemCount(itemID) >= 5) then
Molinari:Apply(itemLink, 31252, 1, 1/3, 1/3)
elseif(LibProcessable:IsDisenchantable(itemLink)) then
Molinari:Apply(itemLink, 13262, 1/2, 1/2, 1)
elseif(canPicklock) then
Molinari:Apply(itemLink, picklockSkillID, 0, 1, 1)
local isOpenable, keyItemID = LibProcessable:IsOpenableProfession(itemID)
if(isOpenable) then
Molinari:Apply(itemLink, keyItemID, 0, 1, 1, true)
Fixed in LibProcessable by: c931eaf
Fixed in Molinari by: p3lim-wow/Molinari@bcbf116
Please test if you can and I'll release asap.