

Request: Bag break option

tekkub opened this issue · 6 comments


Love the addon, it does everything my old one-bag addon used to do except one thing... I'd like to have each bag on its own row. Something like this:


If I were to set it to 20 wide columns, that'd look like this:


It'd be bonus if you let us right-align the partial rows ^^


Oh wow, the tekkub! I used your wow-ui-source repo for so long, I don't think I would have gotten anywhere without it.

And LibDataBroker longer than I can even remember. You're a legend. Thanks!

I think you can already do what you want by selecting "Icon layout: Bags" in the settings. Well, the first half of what you want anyway.


The right-aligning is technically in the code I've just never put it in. I'll do so


Hmm I thought I had an easy fix for the right-align but I realize it's not quite what you're after since it does the bags from bottom to top. I'll have to have a poke at it when I have more time and see if I can sensibly separate out right-to-left from bottom-to-top.


Ah! I should have tried all the settings before I opened an issue...

You don't have to do the right-align thing, I was just pondering the aesthetics of the wrapped rows... I personally crank the columns so that each row is a bag.

Glad you like LDB, I was just reminiscing the other day about a friend who didn't know I made it complaining at me that he didn't like the design of it :)


The latest release, 10.2.0-4, should allow you to set the starting icon position so you can get the R-to-L and Top-to-Bottom setting you are after.

I thought it was a good idea, so I did it.

You should be very proud of LDB. To last so long unchanged is a testament to the greatness of the design.


Bit niche, but kind of related: Would it be possible to set it so that the reagent bag and merged regular bags are shown next to each other? Kind of like this:

Reagent   Regular
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No, sorry. I think if you want arbitrary bag layouts you're probably better off with a different addon. LiteBag is pretty much top to bottom or bottom to top.

Happy adventuring, X.