

Right-click to store item in warband bank always stores the item in the 1st warband bank tab regardless of the warband bank tab being active.

bigos81 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Brief description

Right now when right-clicking on an item in character bag while having warband bank open the item always is put into first warband bank tab, rather than the tab that is currently opened.

To reproduce:

  1. Open bank interface by interacting with a banker NPC
  2. Open warband bank
  3. Select any tab from warband bank other than first
  4. Right-click the item to store in warband bank

Expected outcome:

  1. The item* is placed in currently opened warband bank tab

Current behaviour:

  1. The item* is placed in first warband bank tab

Additional remarks:

[*] the item needs to be of appropriate type to be stored in warband bank


This isn't a LiteBag bug, it's just how Blizzard do it. Works the same with the default UI.