


Macro and /click LM_Bn broken in 10.0

mbattersby opened this issue · 9 comments


Blizzard have broken /click on SecureActionButton with WoW 10.0. It was a bug that was fixed, but is now a deliberate breakage to support hold-to-cast.

See this issue: Stanzilla/WoWUIBugs#317 (edit)

We are waiting on a fix. There is no global work-around, but you can half-fix it.

Run this:

/dump GetCVar("ActionButtonUseKeyDown")

It will print a value into your first chat tab.

If it looks like this [1]="1" then change your macro to /click LM_B1 LeftButton 1.

If it looks like this [1]="0" then make sure your macro has no button argument: /click LM_B1 or is /click LM_B1 LeftButton 0


/dump GetCVar("ActionButtonUseKeyDown")
resulted in for me:

Dump: value=GetCVar("ActionButtonUseKeyDown")

So I changed the macro to /click LM_B1 LeftButton 1 and that works.

Thank you.


This no longer works in the 11/15 10.x patch. Can it be fixed?


It's still broken. This might work, not sure. Just waiting for Blizzard really, it's part of the same problem that stops actionbar addons from supporting hold-to-cast so I assume it will be resolved some day.

/click LM_B1 LeftButton 1


It's still broken. This might work, not sure. Just waiting for Blizzard really, it's part of the same problem that stops actionbar addons from supporting hold-to-cast so I assume it will be resolved some day.

/click LM_B1 LeftButton 1

Thank you. Adding the 1 fixed it for me.


Yes, the 1 fixed it. Thanks!


Apparently /click LM_B1 L 1 also works, which may be useful for fitting that command into macro size limits.


Yeah WoW doesn't seem to care what you put in as the button argument... at the moment. I don't trust them not to randomly start caring though, so I do still recommend the default LeftButton argument if it fits.


Anyone got this to work with OPie? Only works if I have it on my bars :/


There is a workaround for this

Stanzilla/WoWUIBugs#317 (comment)

which is implemented in 3516fc0 and 10.1.0-1. Everyone should go back to just

/click LM_B1