


Not summoning flying mount in Outland

eTzmNcbkrng opened this issue ยท 13 comments


What happens?
Doesn't summon flying mount in Shattrath, this continued to be an issue after I arrive in Hellfire Peninsula.

What did you expect to happen instead?
I was moving so expected to change into Flight Form, I stopped moving and summoned mount to see if a Flying mount would summon, but it did not.

Did it work in a previous version of LiteMount? If so, what was the last version that worked?
I only recently switched to Litemount from Mounts Journal where this did work previously.

Please do not modify anything below this line.

--- General ---

date: Sun Nov 12 13:48:42 2023
expansion: Wrath of the Lich King
build: 3.4.3 | 51943 | Oct 26 2023 | 30403 | | | 30403
version: 10.2.0-1-wrath
locale: enUS
current profile: Default

--- Player ---

name: Shiftace-Arugal
class: DRUID
level: 64
race: Tauren
faction: Horde
spec: 0 0 0

--- Location ---

map: Shattrath City (1955)
mapPath: Shattrath City (1955) -> Outland (1945) -> Cosmic (946)
instance: Outland (530)
zoneText: Shattrath City
subZoneText: Terrace of Light
IsFlyableArea(): true

--- Debugging Output ---

Dispatching rule ApplyRules

  • checking 1 rules for button 1
  • no rules matched
    Dispatching flow control action IF [mod:shift]
  • IF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action IF [submerged]
  • IF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [dragonridable]
  • ELSEIF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [flyable]
  • ELSEIF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [floating]
  • ELSEIF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action END
    Dispatching flow control action END
    Dispatching rule SmartMount
  • filters:
  • filtered list contains 2 mounts
  • trying Ground Mount
  • found 0 mounts.
  • trying Slow Ground Mount
  • found 1 mounts.
  • WeightedRandom n=1, t=0.500, c=0.066, w=0.500, p=1.000
  • setting action to mount Travel Form
    PreClick ok time 7.1923000812531
    PostClick handler called on LM_B1 (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)
  • setting action to in-combat action
    PreClick handler called on LM_B1 (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)
    Dispatching rule LeaveVehicle
    Dispatching rule Dismount [nofalling]
  • setting action to cancel Travel Form
    PreClick ok time 0.28430008888245
    PostClick handler called on LM_B1 (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)
  • setting action to in-combat action
    PreClick handler called on LM_B1 (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)
    Dispatching rule LeaveVehicle
    Dispatching rule Dismount [nofalling]
    Dispatching rule CopyTargetsMount
    Dispatching rule ApplyRules
  • checking 1 rules for button 1
  • no rules matched
    Dispatching flow control action IF [mod:shift]
  • IF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action IF [submerged]
  • IF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [dragonridable]
  • ELSEIF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [flyable]
  • ELSEIF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [floating]
  • ELSEIF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action END
    Dispatching flow control action END
    Dispatching rule SmartMount
  • filters:
  • filtered list contains 2 mounts
  • trying Ground Mount
  • found 0 mounts.
  • trying Slow Ground Mount
  • found 1 mounts.
  • WeightedRandom n=1, t=0.500, c=0.474, w=0.500, p=1.000
  • setting action to mount Travel Form
    PreClick ok time 6.492399930954
    PostClick handler called on LM_B1 (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)
  • setting action to in-combat action
    PreClick handler called on LM_B1 (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)
    Dispatching rule LeaveVehicle
    Dispatching rule Dismount [nofalling]
  • setting action to cancel Travel Form
    PreClick ok time 0.42630004882812
    PostClick handler called on LM_B1 (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)
  • setting action to in-combat action
    PreClick handler called on LM_B1 (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)
    Dispatching rule LeaveVehicle
    Dispatching rule Dismount [nofalling]
    Dispatching rule CopyTargetsMount
    Dispatching rule ApplyRules
  • checking 1 rules for button 1
  • no rules matched
    Dispatching flow control action IF [mod:shift]
  • IF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action IF [submerged]
  • IF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [dragonridable]
  • ELSEIF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [flyable]
  • ELSEIF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [floating]
  • ELSEIF test is false
    Dispatching flow control action END
    Dispatching flow control action END
    Dispatching rule SmartMount
  • filters:
  • filtered list contains 27 mounts
  • trying Ground Mount
  • found 24 mounts.
  • WeightedRandom n=24, t=0.960, c=0.238, w=0.040, p=0.042
  • setting action to mount Violet Raptor
    PreClick ok time 5.772500038147
    PostClick handler called on LM_B1 (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)

--- Options DB ---



Did a bit of testing. Classic is all kinds of weird. My new DK has no riding skills at all but can ride ground mounts.
You should definitely hack your own copy for now. This is going to take a long long time to figure out what the right fix is that doesn't fix one issue and break 10 other things.


I have no way of investigating or fixing this on my own since I don't play classic and don't have any characters there that can fly nor intention of playing or leveling any. Also I doubt anyone is likely to buy me a boost and I'm definitely not planning to buy one myself.

If you can figure out what's wrong, let me know and I'll incorporate the fix. The most likely explanation is that whatever riding skills unlock flying have all changed, and so LiteMount doesn't think you know how to fly (assuming you do). The PTR max level character I boosted knew it from "Cold Weather Flying" spell ID 54197.


Very quick hack, limited almost zero testing, this has fixed the issue:


I found the problem is that IsSpellKnown() returns incorrect values for these spell IDs. It will need to be changed to IsPlayerSpell().
Thanks to Meo and Rawr on the WoWUIDev Discord for this solution.

This screenshot on a character flying in Northrend shows incorrect value:

This screenshot shows the output of IsPlayerSpell() on the Druid I reported this issue on (L64, 150% flying, no cold-weather).


Wanted to add, thanks for your help, much appreciated! I admit I'm not that familiar with the difference between IsSpellKnown and IsPlayerSpell and so far googling is not helping me as much as I want. :)

Not trying to be obtuse, just want to separate "works for me" from "works for everyone". Extreme example, this would fix your problem, but not so much mine:

function LM.Environment:KnowsFlyingSkill()
    return true

Honestly, that seems pretty weird to me. I'll check it out though see what I can come up with. I can't see how this explains it working on my PTR with cold weather flying and not for you.

Do you have any toons without flying? What do those same tests show there?

In your (Blizzard) spell book what does riding skill does it say you know? And what is the output of /dump GetSpellInfo('name of that spell")?

Cheers, X.


Honestly, that seems pretty weird to me. I'll check it out though see what I can come up with. I can't see how this explains it working on my PTR with cold weather flying and not for you.

I think this will always work in Northrend because you can't purchase Cold-Weather Flying without already knowing how to fly and IsSpellKnown(54197) correctly returns True/False.

In your (Blizzard) spell book what does riding skill does it say you know? And what is the output of /dump GetSpellInfo('name of that spell")?

In Classic only Cold Weather Flying shows in the spellbook. Riding otherwise displays like a secondary profession, again on my 64 Druid with only 150% flying:

60% mount is Apprentice at skill level 75
100% mount is Journeyman at skill level 150
150% flying is Artisan at skill level 225
280% flying is Expert at skill level 300

I just asked a Guildy who confirmed 310% only applies to some mounts so you couldn't check for a riding level, you'd have to check if any of those specific mounts are known.

Do you have any toons without flying? What do those same tests show there?

Level 28 Rogue with Apprentice/60% riding:
Level 80 Warrior with Expert/280% riding:


I think what's confusing me the most is the second of your original screenshots.

If the information that "IsPlayerSpell returns true if the spell or its overrides are known" is correct, then there's no possible way IsPlayerSpell could be false for 60% riding and 100% riding but true for 150% flying. You haven't forgotten how to ride!

That puts the whole idea this is the fix in a lot of doubt in my mind. It's not behaving the same as IsSpellKnown but it doesn't seem to be any more consistently right.

This has been an ongoing issue for years: Blizzard are very inconsistent in how they check if you know how to fly. In some patches you have been able to fly without knowing ANY riding skills (as a druid). It's probably going to take a bit to untangle and I want a fix that works for retail and classic without having to maintain both separately.

In the old days I used to keep characters are various levels with various riding skills learned or not to try to test this. But Blizzard have changed it all up 5 times in the last couple of years.


This is a series of /dumps on a character that has Cold Weather Flying, but only Artisan riding (not Expert)

Dump: value=GetSpellInfo(34091) 
[1]="Artisan Riding", 
Dump: value=GetSpellInfo(34090) 
[1]="Expert Riding", 
Dump: value=GetSpellInfo(54197) 
[1]="Cold Weather Flying", 

This is a series of /dumps on a character that has Cold Weather Flying, but only Artisan riding (not Expert)

Sorry what I meant was doing /dump GetSpellInfo("Expert Riding") etc. I wanted to check if the spell ID I'm using is the one they are too. There's at least 3 spell ID with the same name for some of them.

Dump: value=GetSpellInfo("Expert Riding") 
empty result 

I think what's confusing me the most is the second of your original screenshots.

If the information that "IsPlayerSpell returns true if the spell or its overrides are known" is correct, then there's no possible way IsPlayerSpell could be false for 60% riding and 100% riding but true for 150% flying. You haven't forgotten how to ride!

Then the information is incorrect, because that's what is happening.

Perhaps this will make it clearer:

if IsSpellKnown(54197) == true then --IsSpellKnown() can be used here because it's the only ID that shows something in the Spellbook
    PlayerCanFlyInNorthrend = true
elseif IsPlayerSpell(34091) or IsPlayerSpell(34090) then
     PlayerCanFlyInOutlands = true
elseif IsPlayerSpell(33391) or IsPlayerSpell(33388) then
    PlayerCanGroundMount = true
else PlayerCannotMount = true

Haven't heard anything assume this is fixed, closing.


I've changed to IsPlayerSpell in 10.2.0-4 so please give it a go.