


Won't summon Dragonriding mount below level 70

Ciante79 opened this issue ยท 33 comments


Edit: putting the solution here - X.

To fix this issue delete the Cache folder under _retail_ in your wow installation while wow is not running.

Tried in Valdrakken and Dalaran on a level 61
I can still dragonfly if I select manually a mount that can

Watching the debug it seems dragonridable return false so the macro goes to flyable instead

[01:38] LiteMount: [1] PreClick handler (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)
[01:38] LiteMount: Dispatching rule LeaveVehicle
[01:38] LiteMount: Dispatching rule Dismount [nofalling]
[01:38] LiteMount: Dispatching rule CopyTargetsMount
[01:38] LiteMount: Dispatching rule ApplyRules
[01:38] LiteMount: * checking 4 rules for button 1
[01:38] LiteMount: * no rules matched
[01:38] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action IF [mod:shift]
[01:38] LiteMount: * IF test is false
[01:38] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action IF [submerged]
[01:38] LiteMount: * IF test is false
[01:38] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [dragonridable]
[01:38] LiteMount: *** ELSEIF test is false**
[01:38] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [flyable]
[01:38] LiteMount: * ELSEIF test is true
[01:38] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [floating]
[01:38] LiteMount: * ELSEIF test is true
[01:38] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action END
[01:38] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action END
[01:38] LiteMount: Dispatching rule SmartMount
[01:38] LiteMount: * args:
[01:38] LiteMount: * limits:
[01:38] LiteMount: 1. CASTABLE
[01:38] LiteMount: * filtered list contains 553 mounts
[01:38] LiteMount: * trying Flying Mount
[01:38] LiteMount: * found 231 mounts.
[01:38] LiteMount: * WeightedRandom n=231, t=0.500, c=0.299, w=0.500, p=1.000
[01:38] LiteMount: * setting action to mount Sylverian Dreamer
[01:38] LiteMount: [1] PreClick ok time 22.18
[01:38] LiteMount: [1] PostClick handler (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)
[01:38] LiteMount: [1] PreClick handler (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=false)

On a level 70 it works fine, the debug shows that dragonfliable return true

[01:45] LiteMount: [1] PreClick handler (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)
[01:45] LiteMount: Dispatching rule LeaveVehicle
[01:45] LiteMount: Dispatching rule Dismount [nofalling]
[01:45] LiteMount: Dispatching rule CopyTargetsMount
[01:45] LiteMount: Dispatching rule ApplyRules
[01:45] LiteMount: * checking 4 rules for button 1
[01:45] LiteMount: * no rules matched
[01:45] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action IF [mod:shift]
[01:45] LiteMount: * IF test is false
[01:45] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action IF [submerged]
[01:45] LiteMount: * IF test is false
[01:45] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [dragonridable]
[01:45] LiteMount: *** ELSEIF test is true**
[01:45] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [flyable]
[01:45] LiteMount: * ELSEIF test is false
[01:45] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action ELSEIF [floating]
[01:45] LiteMount: * ELSEIF test is false
[01:45] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action END
[01:45] LiteMount: Dispatching flow control action END
[01:45] LiteMount: Dispatching rule SmartMount
[01:45] LiteMount: * args:
[01:45] LiteMount: * limits:
[01:45] LiteMount: 1. CASTABLE
[01:45] LiteMount: * filtered list contains 553 mounts
[01:45] LiteMount: * trying Dragonriding Mount
[01:45] LiteMount: * found 9 mounts.
[01:45] LiteMount: * WeightedRandom n=9, t=0.500, c=0.353, w=0.500, p=1.000
[01:45] LiteMount: * setting action to mount Highland Drake
[01:45] LiteMount: [1] PreClick ok time 19.11
[01:45] LiteMount: [1] PostClick handler (inputButton=LeftButton, isDown=true)

Also FYI the debug is posted twice in the chat instead of once


Hotfixed and works if deleting the Cache folder as noted above



I was skeptical, but yes, deleting the Cache folder fixed the issue.

[21:29:03] Dump: value=IsAdvancedFlyableArea(), IsSpellKnown(376777), IsPlayerSpell(376777)
[21:29:03] [1]=true,
[21:29:03] [2]=true,
[21:29:03] [3]=true

All the dumps are true as well.




There's a suggestion in one of those threads that

I just deleted the Cache folder โ€“ did not touch my WTF or Addons folders, figured Iโ€™d just try Cache first โ€“ and now rostrum and portals work and WQ rewards look like normal!

Any chance that makes a difference?


Saw this in the patch notes for today. Forlornly hoping it might fix this too:

Fixed an issue causing the Rostrum of Transformation to require level 70.

BTW please log this with blizzard in-game as a bug if you have the problem, I can't since I don't have it.


I'm still on the same version number as above and the dump results are the same


Dammit Blizzard :(


It has been reported on the Blizzard forums along with the rostrum bug.


Do you have a link to the forum post?


Deleting the Cache folder fixed it for me too. So weird...


Maybe because technically ALL zones are now dragonriding enabled? I was able to force it to use a dragonriding mount by just removing the checks and make dragonriding the primary.


I don't think that config will work at all unless you have unlocked regular flying in Dragon Isles. Or did they remove the unlock for that?


It looks like IsAdvancedFlyableArea() is returning false for sub-70s for some reason now...


Maybe they consider only the future War Within areas as Advanced areas now?


If that's true, it was an undocumented change and... I think was a change in a hotfix because I swear this was working earlier today.


Isn't it just possible to confirm player level? Oh, but that wouldn't work because when the MoP Remix comes out, level 10 characters will be able to use dragonriding in the remixed Pandaria. Maybe that's what changed?


Ugh what a massive pain in the butt. It definitely used to work, because (a) i tested it and (b) I would have been yelled at if not.

I don't 100% know what I can do if IsAdvancedFlyableArea() doesn't work because as far as I know there are still some areas (pre-dragonflight) where flying is allowed but dragonriding is not.


I don't really know what it is that unlocks dragonriding any more. That might have changed also. It's likely that their server-side code for IsAdvancedFlyableArea() is designed to check for the DF account-wide unlock, which perhaps they have taken away.

A cow sized amount of Pandaria Remix issues have landed with 10.2.7 and its hotfixes.


Dragonriding unlocks with the campaign quest in the dragon isles for first characters and after that I think it's just the intro quest with Wrathion in Stormwind that's needed to unlock it. At least that's what it was when I made this character a few weeks ago.


The good news is that if you attempt to mount a dragonriding mount on a character that hasn't completed that quest, you can still ride the mount, it just won't be dynamic flight enabled.


I favorited a ground mount, a flying mount, and a dragonriding mount and clicked the summon favorite button. It would ONLY summon the Flying Mount on a level 68 character.


Out of interest, does the "summon favorite" button in the journal do the right thing? I don't have any sub-70s any more.

Edit or the [advflyable] macro condition?


I think this one will have to wait for a Blizzard fix :(


Just curious whether you actually did the unlock questing on that character or not?


I don't have any characters that are level 60 and have not also gone to the dragon isles unfortunately, so I can't test that scenario.


Can you try this and send me what it dumps (on one of the broken characters):

/dump IsAdvancedFlyableArea(), IsSpellKnown(376777), IsPlayerSpell(376777)


[21:11:57] Dump: value=IsAdvancedFlyableArea(), IsSpellKnown(376777), IsPlayerSpell(376777) [21:11:57] [1]=false, [21:11:57] [2]=true, [21:11:57] [3]=true
I should point out that I can still mount dragonriding mounts if I alter the conditions of the rules in LiteMount and they function as you would expect.

See this image for a config that works at level 68


If this gets fixed (fairly likely with this week's Pandaria Remix patch) can someone let me know? I don't have any way to check.


There's a new build out if anyone can check if it's fixed.


Still broken. The dump result is the same.

[21:05:52] Dump: value=IsAdvancedFlyableArea(), IsSpellKnown(376777), IsPlayerSpell(376777)
[21:05:52] [1]=false,
[21:05:52] [2]=true,
[21:05:52] [3]=true

Thanks for checking :(