


More conditions for rules

mbattersby opened this issue · 4 comments


These look like they can be easily menu-ified:

  • xmog
  • covenant (unbelievably there is no global text for "Covenant")

"race" would need a translated list of all the race names in every locale. It's not that this is hard, it's just new allied races are going to be annoying.

"aura" could be done with some kind of tab completion, but the text entry box would need to be redone so you can enter a number and then have the display be something else. Some kind of OnFocusGained change text to the raw value maybe.

"draw" with some fixed arguments would be possible, but potentially hard for people to understand.

"equipped" could work with only IsEquippedItemType and the data from Enum.ItemWeaponSubclass and Enum.ItemArmorSubclass.

I'm not sure any others would be much use, as the are mostly useful in action lists for things that aren't mount actions.


Xmog barely works ever, giving up on it.


Re: item Types, see also GetItemSubClassInfo(classID, subClassID)


Covenant translations: /dump GetSpellInfo(299205)

deDE Pakt
esES Curia
frFR Congrégation
itIT Congrega
ptBR Pacto
ruRU Ковенант
koKR 성약의
zhCN 盟约
zhTW 誓盟


Covenant added