


Automatic zone based filtering

jukefr opened this issue ยท 3 comments


This is a suggestion, feel free to do what you want of it, the same can arguably already be achieved with some manual tweaking in the add-on.

The idea would be to automatically pick mounts based on a few criteria, such as :

  • zone (select zone specific mount if you have it, ex: mawsworn soulhunter in the maw)
  • expansion (select expansion specific mounts in expansion zones, ex: ashes in outland)
  • instances (mounts that drop in the current instance)
  • racial (only mounts tied to the current race)

These could be toggles and also have a priority/fallback concept when the mounts are not available (prioritize zone mount, then expansion mount, then default behavior of add-on etc.)

There's probably a few more criteria you could come up with. These are mainly focused on role-play and immersion, I guess.
I have never coded a proper add-on, so I have little to no clue of how complex such a feature would be to implement, nor would I have the time to do it myself honestly, hence the "suggestion".

edit: added instance criteria idea
edit: added racial


HI there, thanks for your suggestion. This is something I'll have to think about for a bit, there's a lot to unpack.

Apart from the issue of trying to decide what would be the right things to do, there just isn't a lot of good information about mounts in the game. What zone a mount is from, what instance it drops in, and what race a mount is for are not things you can query. Because I only have a limited amount of time for LiteMount and it tends to come in bursts, things where I have to maintain a lot of data about mounts by hand are often impractical. Pretty much the things you see in the mount filter drop-down menu are what's available in-game โ€“ except Family which I am maintaining myself.

I sometimes wonder if a better idea would be for people to share their profiles, since you can import and export them.

Sorry this is a bit unfocused. TL;DR, I appreciate the suggestion and it's given me some things to think about. Feel free to expand on it or put in more suggestions whenever you want.


Completely understand the lack of time to implement this, it's already very nice of you to make this codebase open sourced and interact with the people who use it !
If I have some spare time during the weekend, I'll look into "data brokers" and what can be achieved with data already available via other add-ons. I know that "Rarity" contains quite an extensive base of data that could potentially be used to achieve this.
Just a thought.

edit: another option could potentially be the add-on "All the Things"


I think, on the whole, I am just not smart enough to come up with rules people would want and not find annoying. I suspect everyone would want something different in any case.

I have opened #55 to remind me to think about whether there would be a way for people to share rules with each other, similar to how weakauras can be shared. That sounds very hard and I don't suspect it will be any time soon.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I think LiteMount will remain more of a "let you do it however you want" addon rather than one that tries to have a lot of complicated defaults.

Happy adventuring, X.