


A way to identify mounts that haven't been manually prioritized

mbattersby opened this issue · 6 comments


no priority for new mounts: I know about the setting that sets newly added mounts from new patches to 0, but I'm not talking about that. It would be nice to have a special priority level for those mounts that are new and I haven't prioritised yet. My use case is that I have a lot of alts and every new patch (i.e. new mounts) I need to decide how to prioritise the new mounts for each of them, but that might get hard to remember across all chars, especially if I skip a patch and I have a lot of mounts to catch up to. My idea is that apart from the 0 - 4 priorities, there's an additional, special, priority that would be something like not prioritised, basically something that tells me that I haven't processed that mount on that character yet (which is different than 0, which means "I don't wanna use this mount on this char"). I just think a setting that leaves any new mount on this special priority would be a godsend to process the new mounts from a patch on a lot of different characters.


I am not really having any good ideas here.


How about introducing new flag such as 'new' or 'unaltered' without any functionality so eager players know that they haven't manually changed settings for each mount and uncheck the flag while uninterested players can just leave 'new' flag untouched without any change in functionality.


I think that is a good idea. I'll have to change how the mount priorities are stored in the SavedVariables to make it work though, so that will need a bit of thought. The library that I use for the profiles – AceDB – has a lot of limitations that make some things hard.


So one issue I can see is that if what you want to do is manually set the priority to 1 (rather than getting the default 1), you'd need to adjust the priority up (to 2) or down (to 0) and back again. Maybe that's not a big deal, but it could be very annoying with lots of mounts.


9.1.13beta2 has some of the code for this in, changing the SavedVariables to not have a value for new mounts that haven't been prioritized, and also changing the "Exclude newly added mounts" option to "default mount priority 0 instead of 1".

There is no filter for this at this time.

I am still thinking about whether this will confuse the heck out of people, the fact that if you tick/untick that option most of your mounts will change priority, but not ones you have ever manually adjusted, even if they are back to 1.

I think perhaps I don't have this right yet, but at least it's a start.


I had to back out that change, it was just too confusing. I need another idea.