


Package release on git?

l3uGsY opened this issue · 11 comments


Can you please consider adding a package release to your github repo. Overwolf/Curse is blocked here due to privacy and data vulnerability concerns.


As it sits now, Curse Breaker is being retired but should work for git unless they do what Overwolf did and block 3rd party programs.

CB> install gh:xod-wow/LiteMount

It will install the latest release and use the version to check and update if necessary. Simple like the old old wowace updater.
Another package I install via Git is Ice-Hud. and it follows a the same format
CB> install gh:parnic/ice-hud
Among others like Skillet and for my terrible spelling, Misspelled ;P.
All of which update on both, git and curse.

I also noticed the community of growing. It's at the point where they have their own app, with a database at As you mentioned about bad actors earlier, I did notice a report option. Also from what I am seeing, wago directly connects with github or at least allows login via Github credentials.


Thanks for that, again.

Without understanding at all what I'm doing, I followed the instructions for using the bigwigs packager and a 9.2.2 release seems to have appeared on github.

Can you try your cursebreaker actions again and see if anything good happened?


p.s. FWIW, I will never host on, owned by Method, the people that perpetrated and covered up sexual abuse and assault within the WoW community. CurseForge is the diet coke of evil compared to those people.



Worked like a charm. Thank you for taking the time to toss this up.

As for, I didn't know that but I do recall the incident. Eeesh, what good is a report feature if it doesn't even work on your own employees.


On another note, in terms of updaters besides Curse Breaker, most support VCS through services like Github/Bitbucket/Gitlab and not git/hg/svn etc directly. You can find a detailed break down here. This might come in handy is more people look for delivery methods besides wago and overwolf.

I've recently been recommended to, something I didn't know existed an hour ago.


Thanks for testing, glad it's worked. I'll keep an eye on it when I do new releases.

I've used wowup before, but they've recently partnered or merged with so that's problematic.

Based on your table, and my recollection, they used to support addons from github, but I can't see anything like that in the options and I wonder if they took it out after the merger to force people into and their ads.

Everything is awful!

Edit: FWIW wowup seems to still be supporting curseforge but their PR implies it will stop soon.


I think this probably also means that their wowuphub, which I had hoped my be a viable curseforge replacement, is dead.


Man did the add-on landscape get mucky. Crosses fingers for Probably the last place with a large enough community for localization and error reporting. Maybe will pick up some new traffic that might allow them to improve the backend for systems similar to curseforge.

Regardless of where it all ends up, it nice to see authors putting values first. Thank you.


Where is the "here" that you are unable to access Curseforge from? And how would having a downloadable zip on github help?

I'm not opposed to it, but it's a lot of work since I'm currently letting Curseforge do all the packaging for me, which is very convenient. I understand I can use bigwigs packager to do it directly on github but it's quite a lot of work to switch to, and then I'd be stuck with github (microsoft).

I see a lot of people are angry at curseforge for various reasons, most of which seem to be just everyone decided to be angry so everyone is. I don't really like them, their support is terrible and their service breaks or does weird things regularly. But there's no alternatives from a developer perspective that I'm aware of. Nobody else is providing centralized hosting, commenting system, checking addons for malware, packaging, updater client, localization, etc., etc. Just this week someone from Russia translated all of my addon into Russian using Curseforge. Nowhere else is offering that kind of service.

I don't make any money from ads and never have. I have all the Curseforge monetization disabled, and I have the "allow other things to download my addon" checked. I'm not with Curseforge for money, they're just the only real game in town. I wish there was a better alternative but there isn't.

I'll leave this open because investigating the bigwigs/github packaging is something I'd like to do. But I don't think github hosting is a good alternative. I could just put something in my addon to steal all your gold and nobody would ever be responsible for taking it down.


Thank you! And thanks for the information.

I admit I'm not really familiar with Cursebreaker, the only other addon updater I tried was Wowup which also seems to be going down a bad path.

If you have a moment, I wonder if you could tell me how you put a github repo into Cursebreaker (or a screenshot) and also give me an example of another addon repo you have added that way that's working? I'd like to have a look at their repo to see what they have done.

I wish Overwolf hadn't bought Curseforge too. I'm fairly sure, based on their developers discord and everything else I see that they don't really care about WoW addons anyway, and they bought Curseforge mostly for Minecraft. Hopefully someday someone will make an alternative with all the features. I don't think it would be that hard to do, but it would be quite costly to pay for all the hosting.

Happy adventuring, X.


I can manually do it by downloading from Curse, I just can't install Overwolf on this PC. I do use Curse Breaker and add each github. I've noticed many authors taking this approach over the years, even before Curse was acquired by Overwolf.

So please forgive my ignorance but all this time I just assumed it was no different and authors were just benefiting from both. Like you mentioned, there is a clear benefit to the community Curse has built in which Overwolf has bought. << see there it is. :P

But all jokes aside, I was just curious on it's addition to simplify updates and all. I appreciate the work you've put in over the years. many many years. Especially your handling of Druid forms.