


Surgeon Stitchflesh's Morbid Fixation should alert on cast start

redcatelf opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Surgeon Stitchflesh's Morbid Fixation has a 2 second windup cast, followed by a 8 second channel, during which he chases you. Littlewigs only alerts when the channel begins, so you don't get the 2 second warning. It would be great if it alerted as soon as the cast begins.

Here's an example clip. In the Morbid Fixation options in BigWigs, I have "Only when on me" and "Sound" enabled, and "Voice" disabled. You can see in the unit frames that Stitchflesh targets my character (Redcatdruid) with his cast, but the sound only plays when he starts chasing:

The same issue is likely happening for the Separation Assistant's Morbid Fixation cast, which has a different spell ID, though I haven't checked this.