


Script ran too long error

Milky063 opened this issue · 23 comments


Describe the problem

Was running a key and this error pop up right after the the tree boss and heading over to the tornado mini boss on the platform.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. n/a
  2. n/a
  3. n/a

Consider attaching a screenshot below to help describe your issue (Attach directly, do not link to other websites)

What version of LittleWigs are you using? (Stating 'latest' is not useful)

Do you have an error log of what happened?

1x BigWigs/Loader.lua:1081: script ran too long
[string "@BigWigs/Loader.lua"]:1081: in function SendMessage' [string "@BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua"]:2874: in function PlaySound'
[string "@LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua"]:331: in function `?'
[string "@BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua"]:564: in function <BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua:530>

self =

DeadlyWinds = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:335
DetonationSeeds = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:369
MonotonousLecture = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:317
colorOptions =
enableMobs =
ExpelIntruders = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:329
ArcaneRainSuccess = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:291
ArcaneRain = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:286
CallOfTheFlock = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:355
Riftbreath = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:298
toggleDefaults =
optionHeaders =
name = "BigWigs_Bosses_Algeth'ar Academy Trash"
DisruptingPulse = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:381
localization =
sayCountdowns =
enabled = true
AstralWhirlwindDamage = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:402
soundOptions =
CelestialShieldApplied = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:457
instanceId = 2526
StormSlash = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:341
UnregisterMessage = defined @BigWigs/Loader.lua:1062
OnBossEnable = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:117
MysticBlast = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:281
ManaVoid = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:269
BronzePledgeApplied = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:237
GuardianSentryDeath = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:347
AstralBombRemoved = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:444
db =
SendMessage = defined @BigWigs/Loader.lua:1076
GreenPledgeApplied = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:251
AstralBomb = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:418
AstralWhirlwind = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:390
toggleOptions =
BluePledgeApplied = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:244
Gust = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:360
RegisterEvent = defined @BigWigs_Core/Core.lua:64
AstralBombApplied = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:430
RegisterMessage = defined @BigWigs/Loader.lua:1041
displayName = "Trash"
RedPledgeApplied = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:258
ViciousAmbush = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:303
CelestialShield = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:452
BlackPledgeApplied = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:230
GOSSIP_SHOW = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.lua:207
moduleName = "Algeth'ar Academy Trash"
UnregisterEvent = defined @BigWigs_Core/Core.lua:71
CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_SAY = defined @LittleWigs/Dragonflight/AlgetharAcademy/Trash.l

Any additional information? (example: WoW language if not English)


Blizzard changed something this week regarding how long scripts can run in combat. But the call that's being complained about here could not take long enough to trigger this as it's just sending a message to play a sound, there's no logic there. My best guess is you had some other addon or WeakAura that took >200ms to do something. Did you have any other errors at all besides this one?


Do you have a SSD? Enough RAM? It's possible loading the sound file for the alert took an extra long time for some reason. But I think the error message here is just the symptom rather than the cause.


Those specs should have no problem, did you disconnect or reload your UI at any point in the dungeon before the error occurred?


Unfortunately this is a problem with your hardware or Windows installation, we will never be able to fix this for you, it will keep happening.

We've asked Blizzard to look into preventing the error happening, but fundamentally the source of the error won't go away:
It's taking too long for the game to load a sound file from your drive.

How old are your 2 SSDs? And which one is WoW installed on?
How long ago did you install Windows?
Do you use 3rd party security software (anti-virus/firewall)?


@funkydude I have had this happen while having the Interface/Addons on a ramdisk(doesnt get much faster, i wouldnt think). I don't think its a storage speed issue. Like others this is the only error I get in the current play session when it occures.


@doadin Could you please answer the questions I asked above of your system?


Actually you fixed it because this never happen again fyi. gj

We didn't fix anything. Like has been stated, this is a problem with your system, and we need more info to help Blizz track it down.
If it's not happening anymore, something changed with your system. This could be anything as simple as an anti-virus definition update. We need the information asked above.


Actually you fixed it because this never happen again fyi. gj


I have a
32GB 3600 DDR4
windows 11 with Windows Defender(no third party)
I have WoW on a SSD that is about 5 years old. In my case seems kind of irrelivant since the slow accesss file is on a ramdisk not SSD but still.


@doadin you have your addons folder symlinked and copy it over each time you restart your PC?


@funkydude I have only tried ramdisk one time and have not restarted since. But yes its linked and the ramdisk program syncs the folder when starting to the link/drive.


@Milky063 We have no control over that. Click the unsubscribe button.

@doadin Do you have an integrated sound card? Do you know what it is? And what driver you are using? (A screenshot of it from device manager might be useful)


Yes integrated, Realtek ALC897/ALC892 Codec driver 6.0.9491.1(3/14/2023)


@funkydude I can't confirm this as being a issue, however @ntowle mentioned maybe a weakaura or something takeing up a long time and this error just being a "symptom rather than the cause" I can remeber that the last time I had this issue I remember seeing in chat(i have the chat setting on to do it and it happened just a little while ago) that I was marking something with "x" and it spam filled my chat. So to try and find what addon is marking, I have run the same instance twice now with same big pulls and with bigwigs marking disabled I makred nothing.(so would seem that bigs wigs was marking) Maybe bigwigs is going through a for loop to find/mark and that is using a lot of resources and thats when the issue occures? idk again I can't confirm this being related at all other than seeing the "[CHARACTER] sets x on mob name" spamed in chat around that time. No idea if this has happened every time the error has or not. The error is very rare, but im going to leave my marking disabled and see what happenes.


@funkydude its esentially the same as OP. Just diffrence instance.

9x BigWigs_Voice/Core.lua:20: script ran too long
[string "@BigWigs_Voice/Core.lua"]:20: in function <BigWigs_Voice/Core.lua:18>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@BigWigs/Loader.lua"]:1081: in function `SendMessage'
[string "@BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua"]:2898: in function `PlaySound'
[string "@LittleWigs_Legion/HallsOfValor/Trash.lua"]:365: in function `?'
[string "@BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua"]:589: in function <BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua:555>
2x BigWigs/Loader.lua:1110: script ran too long
[string "@BigWigs/Loader.lua"]:1110: in function `SendMessage'
[string "@BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua"]:2923: in function `PlaySound'
[string "@LittleWigs_Cataclysm/VortexPinnacle/Asaad.lua"]:82: in function `func'
[string "@BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua"]:1090: in function <BigWigs_Core/BossPrototype.lua:1075>

Skipped (In Encounter)

You should post the actual error you're seeing @doadin


essentially one of those with different instance modules listed.


LittleWigs in general has very little marking, the modules in your errors have none.

I'm assuming you do have BigWigs_Voice installed yes? Do you actually have an error that mentions it?

Also your HoV error doesn't align with the latest version so I'm assuming it's from season 1?


@funkydude the marking that as I said could be 100% unrelated just something i noticed, since I have no clue the cause(trying anything I can) and its hard to reproduce the error its pretty rare to happen.

Yes I do have bigwigs voice installed.