


Argus - Inquisitor Meto tracking bug

Daeveren opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I've just noticed that LockedOut fails to track/show the correct chars that I have locked out on Inquisitor Meto world boss on Argus. I've killed the boss on 5 chars (which SavedInstances - pic 1 correctly tracks), but LockedOut only shows it on 3 chars (pic 2).
Note that I've had LockedOut enabled on all chars at the time of the kill yesterday and also I've relogged on each of the chars 2 times already and it still won't update the saves.

SavedInstances screenshot
2017-10-01 20_37_08-world of warcraft

LockedOut screenshot (warrior - 1st column and mage - 3rd are incorrectly missing the kill)
2017-10-01 20_37_35-world of warcraft


run this please:

/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(49172));

if it returns true then i'll change the world boss quest id to that number


Just ran it, it returned false :(


ok. thats actually the one i have in my addon. sorry, here's the other ID:

/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(49166));


this returns true :)


ok!. pushing a new version. thanks for the help!


Anytime! I want this so bad to replace SavedInstances (which now is a resource hog due to various bugs), so I'm doing anything I try to help here. I have no programming skills, but can help with everything else, testing, suggestions, bug reporting etc.


Thanks, i appreciate all the help. the last month has been pretty hectic but trying to do my best to get new features in and not introduce bugs while doing so.


thanks. The argus invaision is a bit of a pain in the ass as the quests are not clearly defined - they're hidden, so it's not like before where we can just get the quest from wowhead.

when the boss is killed there are 2 questids flagged as complete. i'm getting the other one and will post back when i have it. Once i have it i'll see if you can run a script in your console to see if it shows complete for you. it's possible that one is for the invasion point area and the other is for the boss and i just have the invasion point one and not the boss.