


Impelement localization

chancedj opened this issue ยท 4 comments


This should be pretty straight-forward. Adding a check-list in case you haven't worked with a localization system before!

  1. Add Libs/AceLocale (or the respective entry to the .pkgmeta file if PR #8 is merged simultaneously instead)
  2. Add library to TOC
  3. Initialise localization table before it is used (can be in Minimap.lua right now, or before all other files if they need to access it in the future)
  4. I'd also add Locales\enUS - deDE - frFR - ruRU - ... - etc. files, which can be loaded via Lua or XML
  5. Those should probably use the CF system as well to include the latest translations with every release - see API documentation here
  6. Prefix any phrase that needs to be localised appropriately, e.g., L["Hello"] whenever output is added if L is the localization table (which can be stored in the addon table)

Go, go, power rangers! ๐Ÿ’ƒ (I hope I didn't forget anything)


It's a fairly minor addition. If you merge #8 in 1.2 you might as well add AceLocale to it like so:

Libs/AceLocale-3.0: url: https://repos.wowace.com/wow/ace3/trunk/AceLocale-3.0 tag: latest
(spaces are botched)

Setting a default locale (arg2 = true):
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(addonName, "enUS", true)

Adding another locale:
`local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(addonName, "deDE")
L = L or {}

--@localization(locale="deDE", format="lua_additive_table", namespace="", same-key-is-true="true", handle-subnamespaces="none", handle-unlocalized="ignore")@
(exact syntax depends on the options, see CurseForge API documentation)

Getting the localisation table:
L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale(addonName, false)

I can submit a PR once the other one is added to the master branch, I guess, but since you self-assigned this I figured you'd be having at it - and that's fine with me. It's rather straight-forward to add localization, thankfully, although keeping it up-to-date can be a hassle.


Thanks. i'll work on getting this in either the next release (1.2) or 1.3. I have it slated currently for 1.2 but depending on how much work is involved with what i'm doing next, i may push it till then. it's a pretty small base right now of users but as it grows i know the localization will definitely help.


attempted to assign it to you....not letting me. hmm. others allow me to assign it (maybe because you entered it?).