


multi-realm data not displayed properly

Daeveren opened this issue ยท 12 comments


The data for my chars on my 2nd realm is still acting in the way as "sometimes is not showing up". I notice it for Karazhan, screenshots attached.

First it shows Jaesse does not have a Karazhan save (even tho I'm fairly sure I did it on that char too)
2017-11-19 23_57_08-world of warcraft

Logging on Jaesse makes the Karazhan save show up
2017-11-19 23_59_32-world of warcraft


Also, again the Instant Complete data is acting funky, not showing the checkmarks. Might be related to this same issue or something.

On my main, Daeveren, I see that Diesse and Diessen don't have the Instant Complete
2017-11-20 22_06_03-world of warcraft

Logging on Diesse makes the checkmark show up
2017-11-20 22_07_02-world of warcraft

Logging on Diessen makes his checkmark show up too
2017-11-20 22_08_29-world of warcraft


for more information see this function:


there are 2 loops.

  1. this one gets the Raid finder dungeons - i have to calculate a reset date for that one. ( https://github.com/chancedj/LockedOut/blob/master/Instances.lua#L106 )
  2. this one gets the Saved Instances - i can use the reset date returned from that one. ( https://github.com/chancedj/LockedOut/blob/master/Instances.lua#L121 )

do you know if any of these are on separate time zones?


No clue about the actual timezones. Both servers are on EN-EU. I could only find this old list on WoWWiki http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/EU_realm_list_by_datacenter
That's from back when the realms were in different battlegroups, I have no clue if they still run like that now.


ok, thanks. I believe i have a bug with my weekly lockout function. I'll be working on writing up a test case to test it out and make sure it's calculating correctly. I really wish blizzard would make a function to show when the server reset will happen as well.


Isn't already a function that shows when the lockout expires? At least for the raids that aret racked in the default ingame raid lockout tracker.


in some places yes, but not always. i just need to look it over again is all.


unfortunately the dungeon tracking still doesn't work consistently

here i'm noticing that some of my chars on my 2nd realm (Aerie Peak EU, my main realm is Quel'Thalas EU), namely Diessen and Viesse are missing one of the 2 dungeons I ran today on several chars (I've ran Stonecore and Zul'Gurub, mount runs)
2017-12-11 18_28_35-world of warcraft

after I log on Diessen, his dungeon save appears
2017-12-11 18_29_23-world of warcraft

same for Viesse
2017-12-11 18_30_20-world of warcraft

odd thing is that Daevea and Jaesse are on 2nd realm too and their saves is shown correctly


ok - good. ithink this is a matter of being saved to the instance but the api not being ready yet to let you know you're saved. ( hovering over teh icon after exiting the instance may fix that). I'll do a little more investigation - however this should be something that when it IS tracked it shouldn't just randomly disappear anymore.

I'll open up a new issue for this so it has a better title.


opened under issue #91


Well, I'm done with farming Karazhan on all my alts (got the mount lol), but hopefuly I find something else to farm on multiple chars. Will see how much time I have for this, with the holidays coming. Be sure that I'll come here and update once I find something :)


this was fixed under #91 - but just checking up to see if you've noticed the issue anymore or if everything looks good now.