


Highest keystone completed

M0dinstaller opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Hey ! Not sure if this is doable, but it'd be a really cool addition to this already nice addon to remember and display the highest keystone completed on each character.


Seems like C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo() returns some useful info. Looking for the event "CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED" might be the key (register the event then compare current keystone level against max achieved this lockout).

I'm not really into coding but found these while looking around. Not sure if there's an easier way to do it ?


thanks. I was actually looking to do this along side a mythic keystone change. however, i'll go ahead and keep this as a separate ticket because i'm not sure there is an issue for the keystone change.


This seems to be a duplicate of #102 .

Other than that, the active keystone is the one that is currently being used in a Mythic+ (Challenge Mode) run. Said event is fired when the run completes (as the reward chest appears, IIRC).

I don't know how that would help with determining the highest run of the week? At best, the run that just finished (when the event fires) will be the new highest run and can be queried with the APIs listed in the other ticket :)


whoops, your right. not sure why i missed this. for now, i'll leave all 3 because they each kind of relate to eachoter but are slightly different.

this one - highest for each char
#101 - current keystone you can complete
#102 - highest keystone for each dungeon (so it would include this request essentially).

So for now, i'll leave all 3.


mythic+ keystone work is complete, but may change when working on tracking highest keystone per instances completed. should adhere to same main structure, but may need to determine an indiciator for current mythic+ keystone.

this specific item goes with the overall keystones completed as you would, by default, see that (for instance) Maw of Souls +15, Hall of Valor +14 were completed, thus you would easily be able to see that MoS was the highest completed. I'll wrap this up when i'm back from vacation next week.


complete! currently in the 1.8 branch.