


Add customizable LDB text

ThiefMaster opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Currently the "LockedOut" default is not very useful. It'd be nice if you could configure what kind of text you want, e.g. showing some of your currencies, or whether anything is left to do for the current day.


This has the potential to be something big and really useful, I mean the "whether anything is left to do for the current day", but I guess it also requires a ton of work for development. Sort of a to-do list, but in order for it to actually work it would have to be an individual per-char to-do list. If this thing is really considered for implementation, the way I see it in (using my own use cases and needs as examples) would be like this:

  • separate page/section in the addon settings for what kind of categories to add in the to-do list
  • that page in the settings would be a table that would show all your chars as columns (those chars that you are tracking in the LockedOut tooltip, anyway) and for each line it will show toggles for various categories, so that you can enable/disable them independently for your alts
  • the LDB text would display either: a) highest priority not-yet-done item, switching to the next one when completed; b) all of them listed (daily free WQ, Blingtron, world boss), removing each of them when completed
  • in my use case, when all of the completed things are completed, the LDB would show no text at all anymore
  • maybe custom categories would be something doable? although, not sure how these would be marked as completed
  • a mockup of the settings page would look like this https://i.imgur.com/v8vG7sN.png
  • some of the categories would no doubt require their own settings, like for world boss, the player would chose which kind of world boss category he wants to track (Legion / Broken shore / Argus / WoD / MoP ... etc etc), for profession dailies player would chose either the professions for each char (unless the addon can detect and cache that?) and then the category of daily CDs (MoP/WoD etc) or literally chose the direct CD?
    There's plenty of discussions to have for each of these, but this is something to consider for the future, in the that this whole to-do list feature is going to be added to the addon.

do you mean the default options selected for locked out? If not, could you give a better example of what you mean for currencies.

And when you say anything left, you mean to show options that you have yet to use (e.g. - instant complete is ready to use). ( possible what was discussed in issue #81 ?)