LOIHCal not picking up updated raider status

Poisonenvy2 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When updating a raiders status on the main event screen, this is not flowing over straight away to the LOIHCal pop out screen. I have to switch to another event and then back again, in order for the addon to register the update.

debug messages:

Opening event (5th August):

LOIHCal: - CalendarCreateEventFrame
LOIHCal: - Action Pending...
LOIHCal: >getState
LOIHCal: - Pending Action completed in 167ms.
LOIHCal: >setState
LOIHCal: _updateEventInfo: GUILD_EVENT
LOIHCal: >>> 1: FATED Nathria, 2: Poisonenvy, 3: 3, 4: 8, 5: 5, 6: 2022, 7: 21, 8: 30
LOIHCal: - 2022 8 5 2130 3-Poisonenvy
LOIHCal: - Found DB entry 3-Poisonenvy, updating
LOIHCal: _countSignups
LOIHCal: <<< Healers: 1
LOIHCal: <<< Ranged: 1
LOIHCal: _bottomText
LOIHCal: >>> NumInvites: 2, numSignup: 2, notReplied: 0
LOIHCal: MIB Enabled

Amending status of a raider on that event (which updated on default UI, but not on addon):


Switching to a different event:

LOIHCal: - CalendarCreateEventFrame
LOIHCal: - Action Pending...
LOIHCal: >getState
LOIHCal: - Pending Action completed in 167ms.
LOIHCal: >setState
LOIHCal: _updateEventInfo: GUILD_EVENT
LOIHCal: >>> 1: Sepulcher Normal, 2: Poisonenvy, 3: 9, 4: 7, 5: 8, 6: 2022, 7: 21, 8: 30
LOIHCal: - 2022 7 8 2130 9-Poisonenvy
LOIHCal: - Found DB entry 9-Poisonenvy, updating
LOIHCal: _countSignups
LOIHCal: <<< Tanks: 2
LOIHCal: <<< Healers: 4
LOIHCal: <<< Melee: 3
LOIHCal: <<< Ranged: 6
LOIHCal: <<< Signup: 4
LOIHCal: _bottomText
LOIHCal: >>> NumInvites: 19, numSignup: 16, notReplied: 1
LOIHCal: MIB Enabled

Switching back to the previously amended event (which now shows the updated raider status):

LOIHCal: - CalendarCreateEventFrame
LOIHCal: - Action Pending...
LOIHCal: >getState
LOIHCal: - Pending Action completed in 167ms.
LOIHCal: >setState
LOIHCal: _updateEventInfo: GUILD_EVENT
LOIHCal: >>> 1: FATED Nathria, 2: Poisonenvy, 3: 3, 4: 8, 5: 5, 6: 2022, 7: 21, 8: 30
LOIHCal: - 2022 8 5 2130 3-Poisonenvy
LOIHCal: - Found DB entry 3-Poisonenvy, updating
LOIHCal: _countSignups
LOIHCal: <<< Healers: 1
LOIHCal: <<< Standby: 1
LOIHCal: _bottomText
LOIHCal: >>> NumInvites: 2, numSignup: 1, notReplied: 0
LOIHCal: MIB Enabled

Screenshot for example:



I'll tag this version then and close this issue. Feel free to reopen this issue if you find any related cases this fix didn't catch.


Sorry for long wait for an answer, I was away from home.

I pushed out untagged update trying to fix this. Can you download the LOIHCal.lua (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahakola/LOIHCal/master/LOIHCal.lua) from this repo and replace the old one with that and test if this fixes the issue?


Yes that seems to work, thank you. :-)


I've noticed that I don't need to switch to another event and then back again in order to force the update in the addon, I can simply click on the same event again in the calendar.