Pre-Patch Error

Poisonenvy2 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


2x LOIHCal/LOIHCal.lua:2149: attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value)
[string "@LOIHCal/LOIHCal.lua"]:2149: in main chunk

ns =

version = "10.2.7"
colors =
functions =
rolesList =
difficulties =
numSignup = 0
DBdefaults =
openEvent =
inviteTable =
selectedPlayer = false
selected = false
L =
notReplied = 0
role =
L =
AutoRolesDesc = "Automaticly give accepted/confirmed players roles. Given roles are based on previous roles."
AutoRoles = "Auto-Roles"
AutomationSettingsTitle = "Automation settings"
AutoConfirmDesc = "Automaticly Confirm players with role. Confirmed players cannot change their sign up status later while accepted players can."
QuickMode = "Quick mode"
SaveDesc = "Save whisper message."
ResetWhisper = "Reset to Default"
Placeholder = "Use %s in the whisper for event name placeholder."
Out = "Out"
Roles = "Roles"
DefaultInvWhisper = "Raid event "%s" is about to start, please accept this invite."
Cancel = "Cancel"
Standbys = "Standbys"
TimeEstimate = "Estimated time left: ~%ds"
Healers = "Healers"
ServerWait = "Waiting for server-side data..."
Role = "Role: %s"
Dec = "Dec"
DefaultSettingsTitle = "Default settings for new raid events"
Tanks = "Tanks"
Melee = "Melee"
RoleDesc = "Change player role to %s"
Sta = "Sta"
RaidDifficulty = "Raid Difficulty"
AttachModeDesc = "Do you want to attach your %s frame on top or on side of the Default view?"
AutoConfirm = "Auto-Confirm"
DefaultViewDesc = "Open straight to %s view instead of Default view when opening event"
Ten = "Ten"
Con = "Con"
SkinWithDesc = "Do you want to skin %s with %s?"
RemoveDesc = "%sShift+Click%s to remove player from Auto-Role-list.
Player will be re-listed if you open any events where the player has been given a role."
SignupDesc = "^%sName%s / +%sName%s
Event moderator
No role data for auto-roles"
AutoRoleDecay = "Auto-Roles decay"
QuickModeDesc = "In quick mode, instead of selecting groups by clicking the group title, you use your mouse LeftButton/RightButton with modifiers None/Shift/Ctrl to determine where clicked player is sent.

Left = Tanks - Right = Healers
Left = Melee - Right = Ranged
Left = Signups - Right = Standbys"
SendWhispersDesc = "Do you want to inform players with whisper on Mass Invite?"
ResetDB = "Reset DB"
WhisperSettingsTitle = "Whisper settings"
NotReplied = "Not replied"
SendingInvites = "Sending invites..."
AttachMode = "Attach on top of the Default view"
ResetDBDesc = "%sShift+Click%s to Reset DB"
CMD_LIST = "/loihcal ( %s | %s )"
Save = "Save"
DefaultView = "Open %s view as Default"
SkinReloadDesc = "You have to reload your UI to remove ElvUI skinning.
Pressing this button will reload your UI."
SkinReload = "Reload UI"
Remove = "Remove"
SkinWith = "Skin with %s"
SkinningTitle = "Skinning settings"
ResetWhisperDesc = "Reset whisper message back to Default."
MassInvite = "Mass Invite"
AutoRoleDecayDesc = "Automaticly remove players from Roles-list if they haven't signed up for %i months or more."
AutoStandBy = "Auto-Stand By"
MassInviteDesc = "Start Mass Invite"
AutoStandByDesc = "Automaticly move signed up players to Stand By when the selected raid size has been filled."
Not = "Not"
SendWhispers = "Send Whispers"
Default = "Default"
Sig = "Sig"
ReloadWarning = "%sWarning:%s Pressing this button will reload your UI, delete all event- and role-data and restore Default settings."
RemovedFromEvent = "|cffff0000Removed|r character "|c%1$s%2$s|r" from event "%3$s" (%4$02d.%5$02d.%6$04d %7$02d:%8$02d)"
Inv = "Inv"
Signups = "Signups"
Ranged = "Ranged"
LastSeen = "Last signup: %s"
Acc = "Acc"
GeneralSettingsTitle = "General settings"
CMD_CONFIG = "config"
CMD_RESET = "reset"
_G =

ERR_OUT_OF_CHI = "Not enough chi"
DH_HAVOC_CORE_ABILITY_2 = "Strong melee attack that consumes Fury. If it critical strikes, some Fury is refunded."
MultiCastActionButton6Cooldown = MultiCastActionButton6Cooldown {
MerchantItem9ItemButtonStock = MerchantItem9ItemButtonSt


Is it safe to assume this is in TWW pre-patch or beta (11.0.x) instead of 10.2.7?

Edit: Note to self, remember to read the title of the issue before asking questions!


Haha sorry .. I was a little vague .. I couldn't remember the patch number! Yeah it's TWW pre-patch that launched this week in retail.


11.0 PTR is down, so I can't test this yet, but if you see this before the PTR comes back up and I have time to test this myself, could you replace your LOIHCal.lua with https://github.com/ahakola/LOIHCal/blob/11.0/LOIHCal.lua and see if it gets you past this error. If not, let me know and if you get further, let me know all the new errors you run into.


I've tested this and it seems to work. Can't see any problems and no errors are popping up. Thank you!!


Glad it works. I'll close this one, but don't hesitate to reopen/open a new ticket if you run into other issues.