


loot roll frame bugs out in pre patch wotlk

Zankom opened this issue ยท 4 comments


its recently been not allowing me to roll need or greed just pass on most items, and sometimes the frame bugs out and displays a fortitude enchant that cant be gotten rid of even when reloading


Hmm this is the first time I've heard of this issue. I don't play the game myself at the moment but I'd need to test it out on the PTR when I get a chance. Unless they changed something drastically, it's a fairly simple addon. If possible try unloading all your addons and just keep LootRollMover enabled. If you still have the issue, then we can definitely say it's the addon. At which case I'd have to take a deep review of it and see what's going on.


i disabled this addon it and was able to roll for loot fine


Alright then I'll see what could be causing the conflict then.


Okay it looks like they completely updated their Alert Systems.... again. So I'll need to see how they are being generated and fired before I can actually move the AchievementFrame.


Examples of changes:


LootAlertSystem = AlertFrame:AddQueuedAlertFrameSubSystem("LootWonAlertFrameTemplate", LootWonAlertFrame_SetUp, 6, math.huge);

AchievementAlertSystem = AlertFrame:AddQueuedAlertFrameSubSystem("AchievementAlertFrameTemplate", AchievementAlertFrame_SetUp, 2, 6);
AchievementAlertSystem:SetCanShowMoreConditionFunc(function() return not C_PetBattles.IsInBattle() end);