LS: Glass

LS: Glass


[Feature Request] Scroll bar/buttons

Lunaeria opened this issue ยท 6 comments


This one, I understand, will be very niche, but... I don't have a scroll wheel on my mouse!

Do you think it'd be possible to make the default scrollbar toggleable in the options? (Appearing only on mouseover, of course!)

It would help tremendously with accessibility, and I promise that with this and my other request (text alignment), I will almost definitely stop poking you for new features!!

Thank you again! :D



If it's not something you'd like to add, it's okay!

To clarify the no mousewheel thing: I use a trackball mouse for accessibility reasons, but like I said, it's pretty niche so I didn't expect you to be keen on such a feature, which is totally understandable!

Worst comes to worst, I can either live with it or just go back to default chat, which isn't the end of the world.

Thank you all the same!


For the love of holy cow, include details like that whenever you make feature requests. Specific usecases when described help a lot to understand the cause of the issue. This request went from "wtf? ๐Ÿคจ" to "hmmm, makes sense, I'll think about... ๐Ÿค”" after your second comment ๐Ÿ˜“


Ah, sorry! I noted that it was because I lacked a scroll wheel, but I wasn't sure if it would be necessary to detail exactly why. Like I said, I'm probably the only user of the addon that has this issue, so if it's not an easy addition, please don't worry about it!


Nah, this request + #6 made me consider adding toggles for re-enabling some default chat elements. I'll prob reskin them so that they don't look out of place, but it's now something I may add later. No promises tho...


Finally got around to working on glass. With the next update I'll add optional scroll up and down buttons above the scroll to bottom button.

