Error on target Aura buff
tucomel opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Date: 2016-07-25 23:53:38
ID: -3
Error occured in: Global
Count: 2
Message: ..\AddOns\ls_UI\embeds\oUF\elements\aura.lua line 216:
attempt to index field 'overlay' (a nil value)
I'm fixed with this code block on aura.lua
if icon.overlay then
if((isDebuff and icons.showDebuffType) or (not isDebuff and icons.showBuffType) or icons.showType) then
local color = DebuffTypeColor[dtype] or DebuffTypeColor.none
icon.overlay:SetVertexColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
No, that's not a good fix.
And tbh, that's pretty much impossible to get this issue. button.overlay is ALWAYS created, unless someone modified aura button constructor T_T
this bug only happens with omnicc and when the aura will blink (or active another visual effect) on next 1 sec.
Example : I target myself and cast Eagle Eye (hunter).
when the eagle eye end, if I cast again with less then 1 sec of delay the aura blinks inside target buffs and the error appears. sry for my english
Ah, I see. Let me test it, if it's a conflict between oUF and OmniCC, there's nothing neither you nor I can and should do in this case. Then the best solutions will be to disable OmniCC for unit frame auras, because it's OmniCC that breaks oUF's widget.
Okay, that's OmniCC bug. I'll report to tuller and jaliborc myself. It'll be much easier to explain what's going on.