Significant bug in text format handling
klaxce opened this issue · 5 comments
If you put an incorrect text tag in the Format field of the Target Frame Power element then you can cause the minimap to not be reskinned/repositioned, as well as unable to edit the Focus, Target of Focus and Boss Frames. You may have to reload/relog after applying the incorrect text formatting in order for it to break things.
ex. [ls:color:power][ls:power:perc]
works and everything is fine, but if you do [ls:power:color][ls:power:perc]
then it breaks things as described (power/color are reversed).
I haven't tested this in other Format fields.
Got it.
isn't a legit tag, so when you try to use it this error:
1x ...acels_UI\modules\unitframes\units\player-Player.lua:36: Attempted to use invalid tag [ls:power:color].
Technically, it's not a bug, it's the intended behaviour. I may add tag string validation though...
On a side note, you should prob install BugSack and BugGrabber, by default, Blizz lua error reporting is disabled.