Luna Unit Frames - Classic Fix

Luna Unit Frames - Classic Fix


Temporal Beacon

KeikakuBTG opened this issue ยท 2 comments


"Filter Buffs" section does not count "Temporal Beacon" as a mage class buff. This might be a good thing though. You do not really want to see other players "Temporal Beacon" buffs on frames, only your own. So the best solution to this is most likely a weakaura or a relatively heavy overhaul of Luna. Consider not fixing this.


i found a solution with the "Squares" section. Selecting "own buff/debuff" from the "type" menu lets me have only my own temporal beacon buff shown. IF this exact filtering is implementable to the "filter buffs" in "auras" tab, then it would be perfect.


After looking into it, it appears the blizzard API is reponsible for determining if an ability is a raid buff and it doesn't include Temporal Beacon when you give it the "RAID" filter. Using the Squares will be the best option.