


Inc. Heals not working when using click casting.

Eric-Johnston opened this issue ยท 10 comments


The other day I submitted an issue about inc. heals not working.
After downloading 2.12, I have narrowed down the issue. Incoming heals work fine when I cast a heal from my hotbar, but if I use click casting to cast a heal, the unit frames don't trigger the incoming heal.

Update: With the mp5 ticker enabled on the power bar, the same thing happens. When I cast a spell using my hotbar it works properly, but if I cast a spell through click casting it does not activate. It also applies to resurrection prediction.


I downloaded the master and unfortunately the problem persists.


Please download the current master and see if this is fixed. I want to make sure its fixed this time.


Would you be so kind to test again? I wouldn't ask if i could actually see the issue myself like other people do.


Just tested the master again, still the same issue.


Does it still not work if you disable all addons and use a fresh profile?


It does not, I've tried it as the only addon enabled on two separate machines and it didn't work on either of them.


So I gave the addon clique a try and it seems to enable incoming heals just fine as well as resurrection and the mp5 ticker.


Had a similar problem where click-casting didnt work. Turning off enemybufftimers vanilla solved it


Thats why i asked him to turn off all other addons. Yet he still has the issue. I don't see the issue myself though and neither are my guildmates.


Every addon is off. Brand new profiles. WTF folders deleted. 2 separate machines and the problem persists. Doesn't really matter anymore since clique fixes the issue for me.